The Future is Equal

Solomon Islands

A boat in the Ocean, text Solomon Islands

Country profile:

Solomon Islands is an archipelago of more than 900 islands in the South Pacific. The people in this country face significant challenges across the areas of climate resilience, gender equity and inclusive governance. 

Recent research shows climate finance flows are increasing, but that does not necessarily mean that climate finance is adequate or that finance is translating into concrete benefits on the ground.

Women in Solomon Islands face a number of systemic and deep-rooted barriers to full participation, including heavily male-dominated decision-making systems and practices, reinforced by gender stereotypes that portray women as less able than men to lead or make decisions.

Women are often prevented from gaining leadership positions because of low levels of education, a high burden of family care responsibility, high levels of violence, and underlying discriminatory social norms. As a result, women’s voices and priorities are often absent or secondary in decision-making within the household, the community, provincial government plans and national policies.

Grace looks out to her community

Our Partner

WARA is an Indigenous, women-led organisation with deep experience of gender equity and women’s empowerment in rural communities in Solomon Islands. WARA works to promote women’s economic empowerment and leadership through savings associations which give women a space to come together, store their savings safely, and learn more about managing their finances and running small businesses. Through this work, women have become more self-reliant, so that they are not dependent on their husbands to earn the money or give them money, or dependent on their local MP to give them money for school fees.

WARA’s long-standing presence and deep relationships in Malaita have laid a strong foundation for the opening of community and tribal governance forums to women, and for more equally shared decision-making within households.

In February 2023, WARA organised a three-day Leadership Forum, gathering leaders from different sectors – chiefs, youth, women, church leaders, and experts from government and non-government organisations – to discuss important issues, including the climate crisis and the ‘Are’are leadership system itself.

The Forum successfully provided a space for the voices of women, and of young men and women, paving the way for sustainable leadership into the future.



Takers not Makers: The unjust poverty and unearned wealth from colonialism

Takers not Makers: The unjust poverty and unearned wealth from colonialism

Billionaire wealth has risen three times faster in 2024 than 2023. Five trillionaires are now expected within a decade. Meanwhile, crises of economy, climate and conflict mean the number of people living in poverty has barely changed since 1990. Most billionaire wealth is taken, not earned – 60% comes from …
Flooded market in South Sudan

Billionaire wealth surges by $2 trillion in 2024, three times faster than the year before, while the number of people living in poverty has barely changed since 1990.

Billionaire wealth surges by $2 trillion in 2024, three times faster than the year before, while the number of people living in poverty has barely changed since 1990 Oxfam predicts there will be at least five trillionaires a decade from now. 204 new billionaires were minted in 2024, nearly four …
Women in rural village at the Solomon Islands

COP29 must deliver more than “threadbare promises”

In response to the latest climate finance draft text at COP29, Oxfam International’s Climate Justice Lead, Safa’ Al Jayoussi, said:  “COP29 must do more than simply repeat the same threadbare promises. Rich countries have spent decades now stalling and blocking genuine progress on climate finance. This has left the Global South suffering the …

Aerial image of Solomon Islands