The Future is Equal

Cut climate pollution fairer and faster

White smoke pours out of a chimney against a blue sky with text Help Aotearoa cut climate pollution fairer and faster

Playing our part in climate action

Oxfam is mobilising to ensure Aotearoa plays its part in protecting the people and places we love that are under threat from climate breakdown. We are also acting to make sure the government does all it can to properly support people in poorer and climate vulnerable countries.

Recently, we celebrated a big win – our 18-month campaign asking the government to boost funding for those on the frontlines of climate change led to a four-fold increase in New Zealand’s climate finance, representing $1.3 billion over the next four years!

With your help we are a strong global voice for a 1.5° C planet. Together with the wider climate movement we’ve helped tell the story of what New Zealand’s fair share of action should look like and put more pressure on our government to reduce this country’s climate pollution, particularly in the companies and sectors that have the largest climate footprint, like agriculture.

There’s more that we’ll be doing in this space throughout 2022, with an ongoing push to make the government’s Emissions Reduction Plan cut climate pollution fairer and faster. We want the government to help the farming sector play its part by setting up transition hubs and bringing agriculture into the Emissions Trading Scheme so every business pays the full price for its climate pollution.

The latest news

Climate Breakdown

Farm post

Reaction to Government update on agriculture emissions

In reaction to today’s update on agriculture emissions, Oxfam Aotearoa’s Climate Justice Lead Nick Henry, said: “We are frustrated that …
Climate change protest

Biofuel Obligation bill scrapped by Government

In reaction to the recent announcement that the Sustainable Biofuels Obligation Bill has been dropped by the Government Nicky Henry, …

Land used for European biofuels could feed 120 million people daily

CO2 benefits of biofuels pale in significance to simply giving land back to nature, while using just 2.5% of the …
Bird eye view of cyclone

Oxfam and partners mounting a humanitarian response to help people affected by cyclone in Malawi and Mozambique

More than 80 people including women and children have been killed in Mozambique, Malawi and Madagascar, and millions more urgently …
Two people walking

Oxfam raises fresh concerns for Türkiye earthquake survivors as torrential rains and flooding batter devastated region

Survivors of last month’s devastating earthquakes in southern Turkiye have been dealt a fresh blow as heavy rains and severe …
New Zealand landscape

Oxfam reaction to IPCC’s Synthesis Report

Responding to the publication today of the IPCC’s Synthesis Report (SYR), Oxfam’s Climate Justice Lead Nick Henry said: “This is, …