No one knows a community’s needs better than the people who belong to it.

We value the strong working relationships that we have established with local partners, leaders, and community elders, following their lead on the solutions they seek.
We connect people and organisations together worldwide, actively shifting power, money, decision-making, and influence to our neighbours in the Pacific.
We work in coalition with like-minded others, highlighting and campaigning against unjust systems, sharing our learning across communities.
In supporting self-determination of tangata whenua, we want a meaningful and committed relationship that better informs how we work together with partners and colleagues elsewhere in the world on their own mana motuhake journey.
Oxfam is committed to upholding the highest ethical standards, and to providing a diverse and safe work environment for all of our employees. Learn more about the policies Oxfam has in place to protect the people we work with.
Climate change matters to Oxfam because it perpetuates and deepens the injustice that we work to overcome.
Our commitment to you is that your support goes to where the greatest need is. We are committed to using resources with care.