The Future is Equal

New Zealand

Passing of Jeanette Fitzsimons

Jeanette Fitzsimons

Photo: Jeanette visiting Oxfam New Zealand 2019 – Jeanette Fitzsimons left, Kate Raworth centre, Jo Spratt Oxfam’s Advocacy and Campaigns Director right.

Oxfam New Zealand staff are deeply saddened at the passing of Jeanette Fitzsimons.

Our country has lost an exceptional woman. Oxfam has lost a most treasured supporter and ally in fighting injustice in all its forms.

We wish Jeanette’s family, friends and colleagues our deepest condolence. Her example inspires us all to continue the work on behalf of injustice and climate action. We will miss her warmth, her patient perseverance and sharp mind.

He toa taumata rau – bravery has many resting places.

May she rest in peace.

Standing together – hope in action in 2019

What a year 2019 has been. Together, we’ve achieved so much. The global systems of injustice and the extremely rich and powerful people who are enabling them are not easy to tackle. But by using our power as citizens, we are building the foundations of a just, inclusive and sustainable world for all, and are shifting the window of what is politically possible. Here’s an overview of the change you have helped make happen this year.

School Strike for Climate, Auckland - Vernon Rive
Oxfam joins the School Strike for Climate in Auckland. Photo/Vernon Rive

Taking collective action for climate justice

Momentum for tackling climate breakdown skyrocketed up the political agenda this year, and we’ve been excited to support movements like the School Strikers, Pacific Climate Warriors and Generation Zero as they’ve walked the streets and the halls of parliament to fight for the climate action we need from our government. We are so pleased New Zealand now has a Zero Carbon Act to provide a starting line for getting our pollution down.

We also worked hard to ensure that our government is starting to lift its support for people who are on the frontlines of climate destruction, including our colleagues, friends and family in the Pacific and beyond, through securing a US$10 million boost to the Green Climate Fund.

With you, the Oxfam community:

  • Sent powerful submissions on the Zero Carbon Act, and delivered an 11,000 strong petition to Parliament calling on MPs to #BackTheAct along with Generation Zero, WWF and World Vision.
  • Sent over 250 letters to Minister Peters asking for a boost in resourcing for our neighbours to fight climate breakdown.
  • Sent over 300 letters to Minister Shaw demanding New Zealand stand with the Pacific at the COP25, the UN climate talks.

Keeping inequality on the political agenda and pushing for multinationals to pay their fair share

We’ve been working hard to get our government to make sure international tax rules are fair for all countries. We mobilised around the government’s Tax Working Group and in international negotiations, to stop multinational corporations shirking their fair share of taxes that help the world’s governments provide for their people. Together, we’ve:

  • Delivered the demands of nearly 8000 people to tell parliament that we want tax transparency by opening the books of multinational corporations.
  • Sent over 400 submissions to IRD on international tax rules for a digital economy.

What these achievements do is keep international tax rules on the government’s agenda, and they make sure that people in government have to think about tax issues. This is the first step in changing policy – getting the ideas and information across the desks of the right people, and providing a mandate for change.

We’ve supported the creation of Tax Justice Aotearoa, a new organisation that works to make sure our government has the tax it needs to fund our hospitals and schools, and that everyone is contributing their fair share. Tax Justice Aotearoa ran a campaign in support of a capital gains tax, hosted Tax on Tuesdays, a series of talks about tax, wrote submissions and several policy briefs, and met with MPs and Ministers.

Making our aid work for those who need it most

We’ve been working to get international development policy that focuses on the people who need our help the most, by building connections across the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. The government recently released its new policy, and we were pleased to see a strong focus on human rights and inclusion. We also presented to Parliament’s Inquiry into New Zealand’s Aid – you can watch our Advocacy and Campaigns Director, Jo, give Oxfam’s submission to Select Committee here (from 1h 50min).

For World Humanitarian Day, we joined with other NGOs to remind the government that New Zealand must continue to support and protect victims of the Syrian conflict through the #NZisWatching campaign.

There’s lots to do, but together we are powerful

Tackling systems of injustice – both in New Zealand and across the world – can be slow and frustrating. Sometimes simply raising a voice, shedding light on an issue, or just holding the line so things don’t go backwards, is a huge achievement. We do this work alongside and on behalf of people who are focused on getting food on the table for their children and keeping a roof over their heads. They can’t do this work alone.

The only way we can stop injustice is through our collective action – working together, harmonising our voices and holding the powerful to account. We get inspiration and motivation from the things you do to make the world a better place.

We look forward to more of this in 2020. It will be a big year – we have to inspire governments and corporations to do much more to stop climate destruction. We have a unique opportunity to change the international tax rules for the better. And we can make sure the money we give for overseas development assistance is spent on stopping poverty and injustice. All in the midst of an election!

So, it’s a good time for some rest, reflection and connecting with loved ones over the festive season, and then getting back into making change with you in the new year.

Ngā Manaakitanga,
Jo and Alex
Your Advocacy and Campaigns Team at Oxfam New Zealand

Oxfam’s annual Generosity Index highlights most giving Kiwis in Aotearoa

Bertha with the chickens she raises with support from Oxfam's livelihoods project in Vanuatu.
Bertha, 54, with the chickens she raises with support from Oxfam partner FSA. Oxfam Unwrapped donations support projects like Oxfam’s livelihoods work in Vanuatu, which provides training, tools and other support to women like Bertha. Photo: Artur Francisco/Oxfam

Oxfam New Zealand has published the results of its annual Generosity Index, revealing the most generous towns, cities and regions in the country.

Nelson-Tasman has been named New Zealand’s most generous region in 2019, beating the rest of the country for the biggest hearts. Last year’s winner, Wellington, came in second place with Otago rounding out the top three.

Every year, the Generosity Index ranks the most generous towns, cities and regions based on the number of Oxfam Unwrapped gifts purchased per capita.

Wellington City topped the list of most gifts per capita for a town or city, followed closely by Christchurch City and Auckland.

Rachael Le Mesurier, Executive Director of Oxfam New Zealand, said: “We’re incredibly thankful to all the wonderful Kiwis who chose to make a difference with their gift-giving this past year. It’s heartening to see more people making conscious purchasing decisions that empower others around globe. It’s that generous spirit that is helping to change lives.

“Oxfam Unwrapped is a unique way to give gifts that matter, through your donations to Oxfam’s work. Your continued support means that we can keep doing these vital projects in the Pacific and work with our local partners to support the world’s most vulnerable communities.

“Each and every one of the most generous regions, towns and cities have something to be proud of – congratulations and thank you for choosing to support Oxfam Unwrapped. Your generosity is truly inspiring, and is creating long-lasting change for people living in poverty.”

Oxfam Unwrapped is a charity gift catalogue and one of Oxfam New Zealand’s biggest fundraisers. When Kiwis purchase an Unwrapped gift, they receive a card relating to a particular Oxfam project. The funds are directed to where they’re needed most, giving someone living in poverty the chance of a better life.

The donations are vital in supporting Oxfam’s life-changing programmes in the Pacific and beyond, helping to improve access to water and sanitation, support vulnerable families in creating sustainable incomes, and promote gender equality.

The gift cards range from honey bees that support beekeepers and the ever-popular goat, to school supplies that assist children with learning and solar lamps that bring light. All the cards are symbolic representations of different to areas of Oxfam’s work. Donations go towards the related projects or wherever it’s needed most – meaning communities receive the type of support they truly need.

Gift cards can be purchased at or by calling toll-free on 0800 600 700.

The top ten most generous regions in Oxfam Unwrapped’s 2019 Generosity Index are:

  1. Nelson
  2. Wellington
  3. Otago
  4. Auckland
  5. Canterbury
  6. Manawatu-Wanganui
  7. Taranaki
  8. Marlborough
  9. Hawke’s Bay
  10. Waikato

The top ten most generous cities in Oxfam Unwrapped’s 2019 Generosity Index are:

  1. Wellington City
  2. Christchurch City
  3. Auckland
  4. Lower Hutt City
  5. Dunedin City
  6. Nelson City
  7. Palmerston North City
  8. Hamilton City
  9. Tauranga City
  10. New Plymouth District


  • The Generosity Index is formulated by calculating the number of gifts given per capita from available population data.
  • Oxfam Unwrapped has raised over $6 million for Oxfam New Zealand’s work in the Pacific and around the world since its inception in 2005.

Open letter: New Zealand’s contribution at Global Refugee Forum

We, as members of civil society, former refugee leaders, resettlement, humanitarian and faith-based organisations in New Zealand collectively note the historic step of the inaugural Global Refugee Forum taking place in Geneva on the 17 and 18 December 2019. The Global Refugee Forum represents a significant opportunity for states and non-state actors to work together to respond to the challenges and opportunities of international forced displacement, and to uphold the rights and dignity of refugees around the world.


The commitment from the international community, including New Zealand, through the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR), affirmed by the United Nations General Assembly in December 2018, to strengthen solidarity with refugees and the communities that host them.

The unique opportunities that exist for New Zealand to contribute further to the development of the Global Compact on Refugees strategy towards 2021 which seeks to:

  • Grow resettlement, including with more protection places;
  • Advance complementary pathways by improving access and developing opportunities;
  • Build strong foundations by promoting welcoming and inclusive societies.

WE COMMEND the recent actions of the New Zealand Government in contributing to these goals, including:

  • The doubling of the Resettlement Quota to 1500 per year from 2019;
  • The piloting of the Community Organisation Refugee Sponsorship Category as a complementary pathway in 2018;
  • The removal of the “family link” criteria under the resettlement quota for refugees from the Middle East and Africa.

WE RECALL the urgent and increasing need to:

  • Actively build welcoming and inclusive communities in New Zealand and to prevent and eliminate all forms of violence and discrimination;
  • Establish new and sustainable pathways of safety for people fleeing conflict and persecution around the world with resettlement needs doubling in recent years, and 1.44 million refugees requiring resettlement in 2020.

WE CALL on the New Zealand Government to take the opportunity of the first Global Refugee Forum to commit to timely pledges that will complement those of civil society, advance the objectives of the Global Compact and build more welcoming, inclusive communities in New Zealand:

  1. Strengthen former refugee leadership, including youth leadership and capacity, in policy-making;
  2. Establish the Community Organisation Refugee Sponsorship category as a permanent and additional pathway in New Zealand’s broader refugee and humanitarian programme;
  3. Increase the number of places available per year under the Refugee Family Support Category.


Amnesty International New Zealand

Asylum Seeker Support Trust

Aotearoa Resettled Community Coalition

Belong Aotearoa

Changemakers Resettlement Forum

Empower Youth Trust

Oxfam New Zealand

Refugees as Survivors New Zealand

Refugee Family Reunification Trust

South West Baptist Church

Tearfund New Zealand

Remembering Fran, Oxfam NZ Board Member

It is with extreme sadness that we share the news of the passing of our beloved Board member, Fran McGrath.

Fran McGrath.

Fran was a CORSO member in Otago from the 1980s and provided one of our valued links to the founding spirit of Oxfam in New Zealand. She became an integral part of our Oxwhanau when she joined us as a Board member in 2014. In her time with us, Fran demonstrated such an incredible passion for justice and commitment to making the world a more equitable place. Fran was a thoughtful, generous, intelligent and wise woman.

Professionally, Fran has been an exceptional public health champion and has dedicated years of service to public health medicine and public policy. She has also worked as a volunteer and medical specialist in community programmes in Aotearoa NZ and across the world. She represented Aotearoa NZ at the World Health Organisation, and has worked across government. Only recently Fran had begun her role as President of the Public Health Association of New Zealand.

We here at Oxfam NZ are heartbroken but feel so appreciative that Fran chose to make Oxfam a part of her life. We will be forever grateful for her passion, confidence and commitment. She will be dearly missed by us all.

Our thoughts are with her husband Edwin, her family and close friends at this difficult time.


Oxfam reaction to Green Climate Fund pledging summit

Responding to the outcome of the pledging conference to the Green Climate Fund in Paris, Armelle Le Comte, Climate and Energy Advocacy Manager for the Oxfam confederation, said:

“The pledges made today send an important signal that wealthy countries should help the developing world face the growing perils of climate change. It is encouraging that a range of countries including Norway, Sweden, Germany, the UK and France will double their contributions compared with the previous financing period. This will allow the fund to continue its important mission to assist developing countries in adapting to worsening climate impacts.

“However, it is appalling that Australia and the US have failed to provide any funding at all, while many other nations have made only token gestures or contributions far below their fair share. Millions of people around the world are already facing hunger, homelessness and extreme poverty because of the climate crisis. Oxfam urges wealthy countries that have not pledged anything or remain far below their fair share to increase their contributions ahead of the COP25 climate summit in December.”

Dr Joanna Spratt, Advocacy and Campaigns Director for Oxfam New Zealand said:
“We welcome the increased pledge from the New Zealand government to help fund crucial climate mitigation and adaptation projects around the world. This is a win for the hundreds of people who have been emailing the Foreign Minister demanding that we stand with the Pacific and increase our support for countries where the effects of climate breakdown are felt the most.

“A US$10m replenishment to the Green Climate Fund is an improvement, increasing our last pledge by five times. This will help to support the dozens of projects in poorer countries waiting for new funding. However, if we were honouring our fair share of responsibility to fund a climate-resilient future for people in poor countries, we would need to have pledged US$50-90m this week.

“In the age of increasingly insular and isolationist politics, we need to be growing our support for multilateral mechanisms to tackle climate destruction. We also need to listen to the voices of the countries bearing the brunt of climate change for a collective commitment to support them.

“We urge the government to outline a plan for increasing our Green Climate Fund contribution further, as well as climate finance in general, in line with a rising aid budget so that we can be contributing our fair share.”