The Future is Equal

New Zealand

Air NZ “bought share of the blame” for Yemen humanitarian catastrophe with Saudi contract – Oxfam

Air New Zealand’s contract with the Saudi military is an unacceptable breach of international obligations and New Zealanders’ trust, said Oxfam today, as the aid agency called for the government’s investigation to be made public.

The $3m contract, signed by Air New Zealand in 2019 to repair critical engine components for Saudi naval vessels, is more than twice the value of New Zealand’s humanitarian assistance last year to the conflict in Yemen – the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.

“With one hand, New Zealanders are donating critical funds through government and humanitarian agencies to save lives in Yemen, while with another, a New Zealand company, of which the New Zealand government is a majority stakeholder, is supporting a military accused by the UN of war crimes during this crisis,” said Oxfam New Zealand’s executive director, Rachael Le Mesurier. “The New Zealand public deserves an investigation that answers the question of whether or not this country has failed to live up to its legal and ethical obligations to the international community.”

Le Mesurier said the fact Air New Zealand could not answer whether its remaining military contracts were aiding international humanitarian crimes must spark a bigger conversation about how we hold New Zealand businesses to account. “It all points to the need for stronger measures to monitor and ensure New Zealand corporate compliance with human rights in their overseas operations.”

Since 2015, Saudi Arabia and its military coalition partners have been parties to the conflict in Yemen’s vicious civil war, leading the fighting and preventing shipments of life-saving supplies by air, land and sea– committing, the UN say, clear violations of International Humanitarian Law.

“Yemenis were looking to the people and Government of New Zealand to help put a stop to these outrageous violations; not enable them,” said Le Mesurier. “By providing services to the Saudi Navy, implicated in potential war crimes, Air New Zealand has bought a share of the blame for the resulting humanitarian catastrophe.”

After more than five years of war, over 24 million Yemenis – eighty per cent of the population – are in need of humanitarian assistance, with almost 4 million people displaced and half a million facing starvation. Saudi Arabia’s military has enforced intermittent blockades on Yemen’s ports, disrupting humanitarian access and preventing imports of food, water and medical supplies.

Le Mesurier said while it was good that Air New Zealand has since cancelled work on the contract, and the Government has announced it is investigating,  it raises serious questions about the processes in place to monitor such deals. “Oxfam welcomes these first steps, but this contract suggests that many serious ethical failures occurred at many levels,” she said.

“Both Kiwis and the people of Yemen deserve better from the New Zealand government and the companies they trust. The prime minister must urgently deliver answers on whether this contract violated New Zealand’s international legal obligations, such as under the Arms Trade Treaty; and whether export control procedures were followed, and on what basis the contract was approved.

“If Air New Zealand – a company in which the government itself owns the majority of the shares – can circumvent export controls, what confidence do we have other companies aren’t doing the same?”, she asked.

Ibtisam Sageer Al Razehi, a 35-year-old former teacher and mother of three, lives with her children in the remains of the family house in Sa’ada city in Yemen, which was damaged by missiles and artillery fire. Her husband was killed by an airstrike in 2015.

“I lost my husband, my children lost their father, we lost the breadwinner and because of war I also lost my salary as our last hope for living,” she said.

“Humanitarian aid has decreased a lot; now we receive food every two months instead of every month. I appeal to the world to have mercy on the children of Yemen and stop this war. We are very tired of living in war for years, we lost everything beautiful in our lives, even the simple hope of peace.’’


Notes to editors:

  • Article 6 of the Arms Trade Treaty prohibits the transfer of arms to countries where there is awareness of any war crimes or other serious violence against civilians. However, even where this threshold is not reached, Article 7.1 further requires that state parties ‘pursuant to its national control system, shall, in an objective and non-discriminatory manner, taking into account relevant factors, including information provided by the importing State in accordance with Article 8 (1), assess the potential that the conventional arms or items: […] could be used to:
    • commit or facilitate a serious violation of international humanitarian law;
    • If, after conducting this assessment and considering available mitigating measures, the exporting State Party determines that there is an overriding risk of any of the negative consequences in paragraph 1, the exporting State Party shall not authorise the export.


For more information, or to arrange an interview please contact:

Kelsey-Rae Taylor on or 021 298 5894

What’s Happening With Cheque Donations?

Whats happening with cheque donations

You may be aware that New Zealand banks are moving towards eliminating cheques from their services over the next year. Your support matters. We’re here to help you navigate these changes so you can continue to donate and help end poverty.

We know that you may have preferred to donate by cheque in the past. Our minds and our goal is to make this transition as smooth and as easy as possible. We want to work together to help you find a way continue giving to Oxfam that works best for you.

There are several easy and secure ways to donate:

Website: Credit and debit cards are accepted and are completely secure so your details will be protected. This is the easiest, safest and most secure way to donate. Click here to visit our general donation page

Online Banking: Log into your internet banking and make a direct donation to our bank account.

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Via Mail: Donate via cash, debit or credit card by following the instructions on any Oxfam donation form you have received.

In Person: If you would prefer to chat to our friendly supporter services call 0800 600 700 (toll free), they will guide you through a donation over the phone.

Ngā mihi nui ki a koe.
Thank you for your generosity and support and working with us to build a world free from poverty.

Oxfam response to Climate Commission draft report

Oxfam welcomes the release of the Climate Change Commission’s draft report on cutting New Zealand’s pollution, but says that doing our fair share for 1.5 degrees means much more ambitious action is needed now than the Commission currently recommends.

Oxfam New Zealand Campaigns Lead, Alex Johnston, said: “We can use this report as a launching pad to step up our efforts to tackle global heating, but doing our fair share is going to mean a lot more than tinkering around the edges. We must move faster to get policies implemented.”

Johnston said: “The Commission’s plan  will not meet even our existing Paris Agreement target for 2030, which the Commission themselves found to be inconsistent with global efforts for limiting heating to 1.5 degrees.

“The draft emissions budgets leave the bulk of pollution cuts for later in the 2030s. That means we’re also relying on New Zealand purchasing offshore carbon credits to meet our 2030 Paris target, leaving other nations to make up the shortfall.

“This is a blow to those in the Pacific and other countries on the frontlines of climate change, as New Zealand is burning through much more than our fair share of the remaining carbon budget this decade,” said Johnston.

“We can bring forward a whole lot of the policies the Commission recommends, like no new coal and gas installation anywhere, phasing out gas-guzzling cars, and properly pricing agricultural emissions. What’s more, we can invest the billions we’d have to pay in offshore carbon credits to surge ahead in our domestic transformation with a just transition to a thriving, low-emissions society,” Johnston said.

He added: “This domestic action must go alongside standing with the people who are right now experiencing the impacts of climate breakdown: that means at least doubling our climate finance for those in the Pacific and developing countries worldwide.”

Johnston said it was encouraging to see the Commission’s consideration of global equity in its recommendations to increase New Zealand’s Paris Agreement targets, but that the analysis did not filter through into the domestic emissions budgets that the Commission drafted.

He said: “When we consider New Zealand’s fair share of global efforts to limit heating to 1.5 degrees, our action at home needs to be scaled up. The Commission has rightly placed importance on global equity in the need to boost our international action, but hasn’t yet reflected this in their domestic emissions budgets, which are too low to even meet our current international target.

“If New Zealand is to do our fair share to protect our planet and build a safe climate future, we need a cohesive and ambitious plan with global equity at its heart.” 


Notes to editors:

  • The Commission’s first three emissions budgets use the interquartile range of IPCC 1.5-degree pathways. This assumes that New Zealand would decarbonise at average rate, not taking into account our status as a highly developed country. By contrast, the NDC analysis, finds that Aotearoa should make significantly deeper reductions by 2030 than the average country, due to the country’s economic capacity.
  • The Commission suggested NZ’s Paris Agreement target should be increased to much more than 35% reductions below 2005 levels by 2030. Oxfam’s estimates of New Zealand’s fair share are of at least an 80% reduction below 1990 levels by 2030, or 99% when historical responsibility is taken into account.

For more information or to arrange an interview, please contact:
Kelsey-Rae Taylor on or +6421 298 5894.

NGO heavyweights team up for South Island adventure challenge

Two of New Zealand’s most respected organisations have teamed up in 2021 to offer Kiwis the chance to take on the famous Alps2Ocean cycling adventure, all for a good cause.

Oxfam New Zealand and Amnesty International Aotearoa New Zealand are inviting Kiwis to experience a stunning cycle ride through spectacular scenery across the South Island.

Participants in the challenge will start their 300km journey at the Southern Alps, making their way through glacier-carved valleys, rural plains, and vineyards to the historical coastal town of Oamaru, all the while fundraising to support Oxfam and Amnesty’s vital work challenging injustice around the world.

Oxfam New Zealand’s Executive Director Rachael Le Mesurier said the epic adventure was sure to attract everyone from cycling buffs to mere enthusiasts.

“Having just cycled this very trail over the holidays I could not be more excited to launch this event to our supporters and all who want to get out and experience the South Island.

“It’s simply some of the most beautiful scenery you might have the chance to see in Aotearoa. The landscapes are both wondrous and humbling, and we know the camaraderie will be excellent! This is a unique opportunity to enjoy our breath-taking whenua while knowing you’re helping to make a difference for people who need it most.

“We’re proud to start this collaboration with our friends at Amnesty, in such an exquisite part of our country and ‘cycling’ together towards our shared goal of challenging injustice around the world.”

Amnesty International Aotearoa New Zealand’s Executive Director Meg de Ronde is equally excited about the new adventure.

“After such a challenging 2020 this event offers an amazing opportunity for people from all walks of life to come together for an inspiring adventure in 2021.

“I love that the team on the Alps2Ocean ride will be connected on so many levels – not only united by their sense of adventure but also in actively helping create the world they want to see.

“In the spirit of connection, it is great to be working together with Oxfam for this new adventure and we can’t wait to have our supporters join us for what will truly be a ride to remember!”

To find out more or to REGISTER visit Oxfam or Amnesty. 


For images, interviews or more information please contact: 

Kelsey-Rae Taylor on or 021 298 5894  

Alicia King on or 02102463250 



Are you ready for the adventure of a lifetime cycling the Alps2Ocean trail?

This November, join Oxfam New Zealand as we team up with Amnesty International to take on an epic cycle and fundraising adventure together!

Register before 14 February 2021 and receive $100 off your registration fee! Together, with Amnesty International, we are building a group of like-minded people who want to make a difference and #Ride4Rights.

Alps2Ocean Infographic
Snow Mountain
Snow Mountain
Snow Mountain


  • Start your 300km cycle ride at the Southern Alps and journey through the South Island’ s spectacular scenery to the historic coastal town of Oamaru.
  • Adventure past turquoise lakes, through tussock highlands and rural plains as you enjoy the fresh air.
  • Get up close and personal with New Zealand’s highest mountain, Mt Cook.
  • Cycle through glacier-carved valleys, discover vineyards you never knew existed, and enjoy the downhill cycle to the glistening ocean.
  • Fundraise your way and join an amazing group of individuals united by their sense of philanthropy and adventure.

          Will you join us?

Snow Mountain

The difference you’ll make:

Did you know unsafe water kills more people than wars and other violence? For so many people across the globe, water, sanitation and food are scarce. Not having access to these basic essentials make it difficult for these people to live dignified, healthy lives.

You can make life fairer for everyone and help reduce global poverty. The funds you raise will support sustainable solutions for vulnerable communities across the globe. Each donation to your fundraising page will make a real difference. Here’s how!

  • $25 – Can provide hygiene kits for a family, including water containers and soap.
  • $55 – Can supply water buckets to prevent the spread of disease.
  • $122 – Can help young people into dignified jobs with skills and training.
  • $300 – Can provide children access to safe drinking water at school.
Snow Mountain

You and Oxfam, tackling poverty together

At Oxfam New Zealand, we believe no one should live in poverty. We work with communities to develop long-term solutions that don’t just tackle the symptoms of poverty, but the system.  When you take on this challenge you will be part of a global movement that empowers people to create a future that is sustainable, just and free from poverty. Thank you!

Oxfam disappointed New Zealand government will not back a People’s Vaccine

Following reports that New Zealand won’t be backing the call to waive patents and facilitate a free and fairly distributed vaccine to help prevent the spread of coronavirus around the world, Oxfam New Zealand’s Communications and Advocacy Director Dr Joanna Spratt said:

“It is disappointing for the New Zealand government not to support a decision that could help to prevent billions of people missing out on a life-saving vaccine, as poorer countries do not have the same leverage as richer nations to protect their populations while those wealthy countries are hoarding more than they need.

“Saying New Zealand will support the COVAX facility instead is no perfect solution to the complex challenge of delivering a safe vaccine to everyone in the world. Meeting this task is essential to ending the pandemic, as it’s not over until it’s over for everyone.

“But this will not happen while pharmaceutical companies are allowed to withhold vital science and intellectual property, or while rich nations continue to use their purchasing power to side-step COVAX and buy up the vast majority of the world’s currently limited vaccine supply for years to come.

“Earlier this year, Jacinda Ardern signed her name to an open letter calling for a guarantee of equal global access to a Covid-19 vaccine. In the letter, it states that where you live should not determine whether you live. It also states that ‘…This cannot be a race with one winner. When one or more vaccines are successful, it must be a win for all of us.’

“We wholeheartedly agree with the prime minister on these points. Access to a coronavirus vaccine should not be dependent on where you are born or how much money your country has. Now more than ever, we need global cooperation to halt the spread of this virus and stop the spread of the pandemic in its tracks.

“Waiving patents is one way to advance more equitable distribution and supply of a vaccine. But if the government feels unable to support this, there is still plenty more they can do to advance a free vaccine for everyone. It is not clear how much New Zealand has contributed to the COVAX Advanced Market Commitment mechanism, so publishing our contribution would be a good first step so New Zealanders can see how strong our commitment is.

“The government could also join the ‘Solidarity call to action to realise equitable global access to COVID-19 health technologies through pooling of knowledge, intellectual property and data’, already signed onto by 40 other WHO member states and other supporting organisations and people.

“Finally, New Zealand could use its purchasing power to persuade pharmaceutical corporations to voluntarily share their coronavirus intellectual property and technology.

“There simply comes a time when humanity’s common good must take precedence over private profit. This is that time. The only way we can truly put an end to the coronavirus pandemic is by providing a free vaccine to everyone in the world who needs one.”


For more information, please contact:
Kelsey-Rae Taylor on or +6421 298 5894.