The climate crisis is getting worse. Communities across Aotearoa are feeling what our Pacific neighbours have been experiencing for years: the devastating consequences of Government inaction on climate change. From Cyclone Gabrielle and floods in the north to severe droughts in the south, these events emphasise how urgently we need climate action. And we’re on a tight deadline to achieve the necessary emissions reductions. 

Girl standing with a canoe

Right now, we have the opportunity to shift to a better, more connected world, where people thrive and nature is protected. But this is only possible if our politicians stop delaying action, and start treating this crisis as a crisis. 

This is our chance to turn things around, and make that future a reality. 

That’s why this year, we’re calling for people across the motu/country to use their voice to demand urgent climate action.

We need leadership from our government, giving full effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and guided by hapū exercising their tino rangatiratanga/self-determination.

Oxfam has teamed up with a wide coalition of organisations to create a collective climate action campaign, called Climate Shift, centering around a ten point plan for Government action. 

Our plan is guided by three key themes:

Aotearoa’s future should focus on opportunities for a new way of living that centre on people and nature, rather than industry greed. Our Government must end coal, oil, and gas, and transition polluting industries – in particular, intensive dairy farming and transport – and shift to climate-friendly alternatives that cut pollution. 

  • End new oil, gas and coal exploration and extraction on land and at sea, and commit to the Port Vila Call for a Just Transition to a Fossil Fuel Free Pacific. 
  • Accelerate the just transition to public and locally-owned, nature-friendly, renewable electricity, including by providing grants-based and equitable finance for new renewables, such as household solar and community energy projects. 
  • Transition towards high-density, low emissions communities by making public transport fares free and prioritising investment in walking, cycling, and accessible public transport infrastructure over road spending. 
  • Transition intensive dairying to low emissions farming by phasing out synthetic nitrogen fertiliser and imported animal feed, reducing herd size, and banning new large-scale irrigation schemes. 
  • Ensure our laws reflect the urgency required to address the climate crisis by strengthening the Emissions Trading Scheme, legally requiring all local and central government decisions to keep warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius, and establishing meaningful environmental bottom lines in new planning rules. 

Climate change is already affecting millions of people around the world, including here in Aotearoa. We want our Government to support these communities with ways and funds to adapt in order to minimise the impact of climate change on their lives. In places where the effects can’t be minimised, these communities should be financially supported throughout the recovery process, and compensated for the loss and damage caused. 

  • Stand with affected communities in the Pacific by renewing and scaling up our climate finance commitments, with new and additional funding to address loss and damage caused by climate change. 
  • Protect communities by making room for rivers to flood safely and enabling a managed retreat from flood-prone areas, through stopping new development in coastal and river flood zones. 

Nature must be at the heart of New Zealands climate response. Not only do oceans, wetlands, and forests store huge amounts of carbon, they also play a key role in mitigating the impacts of extreme weather events. When we protect nature, we are also protecting people, communities, and Aotearoas future. 

  • Maximise native forests’ role in absorbing carbon and in protecting communities from flooding and erosion by effectively controlling deer, goats, and possums on all public land, and implementing a native reforestation programme. 
  • Preserve the ocean’s crucial role in storing carbon by shifting to ecosystem-based fisheries management that ends bottom trawling and restores kelp forests by reversing all kina barrens. 
  • Protect the role wetlands and estuaries play in storing carbon and softening extreme weather event impacts by doubling the area of wetlands in Aotearoa New Zealand. 

Climate destruction is happening all around us. This is our chance to turn things around. We need genuine climate action from the New Zealand Government, which gives effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and is guided by hapū exercising their tino rangatiratanga. 

Join our call for urgent climate action, and sign on to support a Climate Shift. 


350 Aotearoa logo
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CoalActionNetwork Logo
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StudentsForClimateSolutions logo
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EDS logo
forest and bird logo
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ProtectOurWinters logo
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System Change
Action Station logo
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Choose Clean Water
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School Strike 4 Climate logo
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Authorised by R Dobric, Level 1/14 West Street, Eden Terrace