The Future is Equal


Hot and hungry: How to stop climate change derailing the fight against hunger

How will climate change affect what we eat? Hunger is not and need never be inevitable. However climate change threatens to put back the fight to eradicate it by decades – and our global food system is woefully unprepared to cope with the challenge.

In the Pacific region, climate change could cause production of sweet potato in Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands to decline more than 50 per cent by 2050, and maize in Vanuatu and Timor Leste to decline by 6 – 14 per cent by 2050.

In the face of this challenge, a new report from Oxfam analyses how well the world’s food system is prepared for the impacts of climate change.

In it, ten key factors that influence a country’s ability to feed its people in a warming world are assessed – including the quality of weather monitoring systems, social safety nets, agricultural research and adaptation finance.

Syria crisis emergency response update March 2014

March 2014 marks the third year since the start of the conflict in Syria and the statistics make sobering reading. During these three years more than 100,000 people have been killed and 9.3 million are in need of humanitarian assistance. Around 6.5 million people have fled their homes and are now living in temporary accommodation, schools or other shelter across Syria. More than 2.4 million refugees – half of them children – have fled into neighbouring countries.

Often traumatised, people have been forced to leave families, homes, jobs and communities in fear of their lives. Many left with nothing but the clothes they wore. For others, any money they had has gone on food or rent. Despite many people being highly skilled, most cannot find work. A lot of families can’t send their children to school, or get regular health care. The impact is also being felt on host communities, with the influx of so many families putting a massive strain on services, utilities, housing and schools.

Oxfam has been scaling up its emergency programme in the region since 2012. We are helping refugees who have fled into Jordan and Lebanon with basic needs from supplying clean water to providing money to pay for food, hygiene essentials and shelter. We’re working with families in camps, unofficial settlements and in rented accommodation, supporting both refugees and the communities that host them.

In 2013, Oxfam started working in Syria itself, trucking water to those who have no regular source and repairing damaged infrastructure to restore water supplies to more than half a million people in both government and opposition-held areas.

What next for Mali? Four priorities for better governance

The 2013 elections helped to restore constitutional order in Mali and marked the start of a period of hope for peace, stability and development. The challenge is now to respond to the Malian people’s desire for improved governance. The new government must, therefore, strive to ensure equitable development, increase citizen participation, in particular women’s political participation, while improving access to justice and promoting reconciliation.

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Good Enough to Eat

Where in the world are the best and worst places to eat?

Around the world, one in eight people go to bed hungry every night despite there being enough food for everyone. Overconsumption, misuse of resources and waste are common elements of a system that leaves hundreds of millions without enough to eat.

To better understand the challenges that people face getting enough of the right food, Oxfam has compiled a global snapshot of 125 countries indicating the best and worst places to eat. It is the first of its kind and reveals the different challenges that people face depending on where they live.