The Future is Equal

News & Media

Our humanity is the true source of economic growth and flourishing civilization

I am a practitioner of capitalism and a member of the 0.1 percent.

I have started or funded 37 companies.  I was the first outside investor in Amazon. I have been rewarded obscenely for my success, with a life that the other 99.99 percent of Americans can’t even imagine. Yet the most important lesson that decades of experience at the heart of market capitalism has taught me is that morality and justice are the fundamental prerequisites for prosperity and economic growth. Greed is not good.

The problem is that almost every authority figure – in economics, politics and the media – tells us otherwise. You will hear plenty this week, as the global elite converge on the Swiss mountain resort of Davos to discuss the challenges facing our economies and our world.  Yet, I can guarantee that despite all the talk, there will be no substantive questioning of the immoral foundation of our modern economies.

The current inequality crisis is the direct result of this moral failure. Our exclusive, highly unequal society based on extreme wealth for the few may seem sturdy and inevitable right now, but it will collapse. Before long, the pitchforks will come out and the ensuing chaos will benefit no one. Not wealthy people like me – and certainly not the poorest people who have already been left behind.

To avert this existential crisis, we must drive a stake through the heart of the neoliberal religion that instantly rewards greed at the expense of our future. We must replace it with a new economic framework that recognises that justice and inclusion are not the result of economic prosperity, but rather the cause of economic prosperity.

Only a society that seeks to include all its people in the economy can succeed in the long term: no company, and certainly no billionaire is an island.  We owe our wealth to society – to the millions working each day for us at home and across the world, often for poverty wages.  We owe our fortunes to governments, who provide the education, the infrastructure, and the research investment on which we build our empires.  None of the companies I have invested in would have been able to function without this.

A fundamental prerequisite for a more just society is that the wealthiest should pay their fair share of tax. However, as Oxfam’s inequality report, “Private Wealth or Public Good”, demonstrates, this is not happening. Here in the United States, the richest in society – people like me – have just benefited from one of the biggest tax cuts in decades.  Meanwhile our public schools are crumbling, and our healthcare system continues to exclude millions, leading to huge pain and suffering. The top rates of tax on the wealthiest people and corporations are lower than they have been for decades. Unprecedented levels of tax avoidance and evasion ensure that the super-rich pay even less.

There can be no moral justification for this behaviour beyond a discredited neoliberal dogma that if everyone maximises their selfishness, the world will somehow be a better place: that ever-lower taxation on the richest will somehow benefit us all; that health and education left to the mercy of the free market, available only to those who have the money to pay for them, is somehow more efficient. It has no economic justification, either. As Henry Ford famously identified, you can’t grown a business or an economy if people are impoverished.

I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that the richest in our society can and should pay a lot more tax to help build a more equal society and prosperous economy. As Oxfam shows, a fairer tax system could help ensure that every child gets an education, and that no one lives in fear of getting sick because they can’t afford their medical bills.

Ultimately it is our humanity, not the absence of it, that is the true source of economic growth and a flourishing civilization. This is not just an imperative for activists and academics but for all of us – including every billionaire. It is no longer a question of whether we can afford to do this but rather whether we can afford not to.

Nick Hanauer is an American entrepreneur and venture capitalist.

Our inequality crisis can be solved by ensuring corporations and wealthy individuals pay their fair share of tax

Every January I get a glimpse into a different world.

A world of billionaires, of business and political elites, cosying up to one other in the Swiss mountain resort of Davos for the Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum.

Curious friends often ask if I have ever met a billionaire and what they are like. I tell them they were born lucky. Lucky to be born a man – 9 out of 10 billionaires are men; lucky to be born into a wealthy family – a third of billionaire fortune is the result of inheritance, lucky to get a decent education in a world where 262 million children don’t go to school.
For Oxfam the annual festival of wealth that is Davos is an opportunity to take stock of the crisis of extreme inequality.  Our inequality reports have charted the rise and rise of the lucky few over recent years. Our latest report, “Private Wealth or Public Goods,” shows that the wealth of the world’s billionaires increased by twelve percent or $2.5 billion a day last year.  A new billionaire was created every two days between 2017 and 2018.
Meanwhile, the poorest half of humanity, 3.8 billion people, saw their wealth shrink by eleven percent.  Just under half the world’s population subsists on less than $5.50 a day – one school fee or medical bill away from falling into extreme poverty.
While women’s work is the bedrock of our economies, they do not see the benefits. Globally men earn 23 percent more than women and own 50 percent more wealth.
This extreme and growing gap between rich and poor is no accident.  It is the result of policy decisions made by governments. Chief among them are decisions about how governments raise and spend our taxes.
Consider how wealth taxes have been reduced or eliminated in many rich countries and are barely implemented in the poor countries. Just four cents in every dollar of tax revenue collected globally came from taxes on wealth such as inheritance or property in 2015.
Consider how tax rates for wealthy individuals and corporations have been cut dramatically. Billionaires like Warren Buffet are paying lower rates of tax than their secretaries.  In some countries, such as Brazil, the poorest 10 percent of society are paying a higher proportion of their income in tax than the richest 10 percent.
Governments add insult to injury when they fail to clamp down on tax dodging, leaving wealthy corporations and individuals to pocket billions in unpaid taxes. Poor countries lose around $170 billion a year as a result of tax dodging by wealthy individuals and corporations.
At the same time, governments are allowing vital poverty-busting public services such as healthcare and education to crumble for want of funds, or outsourcing these services to private companies that exclude the poorest.  These services serve as the foundations on which people can work their way out of poverty and they’re being ripped away from ordinary people.
The consequences of these policy decisions are etched on the lives of millions of people around the globe, including the 10,000 people who die every day for want of healthcare.
Always, it is women and girls who are hardest hit. I think of the girls I know in my village in Uganda who are pulled out of school when money isn’t available to pay fees or the women who spend countless hours filling in the gaps, caring for children, the sick and elderly when public services fail.
Humanity can’t live with this. And we don’t have to. Government policies created this crisis – they can solve it by ensuring corporations and wealthy individuals pay their fair share of tax and investing this money in free quality healthcare and education for all.
We know this is possible. When the government of Ghana dropped fees for senior high school in September 2017, 90,000 more students walked through the school doors.
And we know a little change can go a long way. Oxfam estimates that a tiny 0.5 percent increase in tax on the wealth of the richest one percent could raise more than it would cost to educate all the children who are currently out of school and provide healthcare that would save the lives of 3.3 million people.
These ideas are not extreme – they are common sense. Even the International Monetary Fund is talking up wealth taxes, and says that higher income tax rates would help bring down inequality without being bad for growth. They are catching up with people around the world who know that going to school or seeing a doctor when you are sick should not be the preserve of a lucky minority.
They are the basic rights of all people, and the foundation for stable societies and strong economies. That’s the message I will convey in Davos this week.
Winnie Byanyima, Executive Director for Oxfam International, will be attending the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland in January 2019. 

NZ’s two richest men gain $1.1b while poorest Kiwis lose out

The two richest people in New Zealand added an astounding NZ$1.1 billion to their fortunes in 2017-2018, while the wealth of the poorest half of the country decreased overall, according to new Oxfam research to be released today.

The report also reveals that the richest 5% of the population collectively owns more wealth than the bottom 90%.

Oxfam’s research forms part of a global report released to coincide with this week’s annual meeting of the wealthiest and most powerful people in the world, as they gather at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is scheduled to attend the meeting, which focuses on global politics, economics and social issues.

Published later today, the full report, Public Good or Private Wealth?, shows how the growing gap between rich and poor is undermining the fight against poverty, damaging local economies and fuelling public anger across the globe. The report reveals how governments are exacerbating inequality by, on the one hand, underfunding public services such as healthcare and education, while, on the other, under taxing corporations and the wealthy, and failing to clamp down on tax avoidance. The research also finds that consistently, women and girls are hardest hit by rising economic inequality.

Rachael Le Mesurier, executive director of Oxfam New Zealand, said: “We have a long way to go before we can say that every Kiwi is getting a fair go. We know inequality is harmful for us all. It perpetuates poverty, erodes trust, fuels crime, makes us unhappy, negates economic growth, and robs opportunity from the poorest – including shortening their lives. And women and girls suffer the most – across their lifetimes women have less opportunity than men to get paid work, they earn less and are less able to invest in assets.

“One of the key things we can do to tackle inequality here and across the world is to tax wealth more. Our taxes pay for schools, hospitals, and infrastructure such as communications and roads on which we all rely. Across the world, rich multinational corporations and extremely wealthy individuals are not paying their fair share. When big business and the super-rich don’t pay their fair share of tax, the rest of us pay the price – with kids without teachers, long waiting lists for health interventions, and not enough police in our communities.

“But to tax wealth more, we need to see it. We need more transparency in our tax system, both for multinational corporations and extremely wealthy individuals. We need more information in the public realm so that we can make sure that the wealthy pay their fair share – and that we grow a New Zealand where everyone gets a fair go in life.

“We are eagerly anticipating the release of the Tax Working Group’s final report early this year. As a country we’ve been talking about wealth taxes, such as capital gains, for some time now. To tackle the stubborn inequality that plagues ordinary, working Kiwis, we need to stop talking and start doing,” said Le Mesurier. “We hope the Tax Working Group takes this opportunity to recommend greater wealth taxes and more transparency, and we encourage the government to take the bold action necessary to reduce inequality”.

Notes to editors

  • Oxfam’s calculations are based on the most up to date, comprehensive data sources available. Figures on the share of wealth owned by the poorest half of humanity come from Credit Suisse Wealth Databook and relate to the period June 2017 – June 2018. Figures on the very richest in society are based on more detailed data from the annual Forbes ‘Billionaires List’ and relates to the period March 2017 – March 2018.
  • The two richest New Zealanders are Graeme Hart and Richard Chandler. They own wealth of US$10.1 billion and US$2.1 billion respectively. In 2016 Singapore-based Chandler was named as using Mossack Fonseca, the law firm at the centre of the Panama Papers tax avoidance controversy.

For more information or to arrange an interview please contact:

Kelsey-Rae Taylor | [email protected] | 021 298 5894

Billionaire fortunes grew by $2.5 billion a day last year as poorest saw their wealth fall

Billionaire fortunes increased globally by 12 percent last year – or US$2.5 billion a day – while the 3.8 billion people who make up the poorest half of humanity saw their wealth decline by 11 percent, reveals a new report from Oxfam today.

The report is being launched as political and business leaders gather for the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

Earlier today Oxfam New Zealand reported that the two richest people in New Zealand added an astounding NZ$1.1 billion to their fortunes in 2017-2018, while the wealth of the poorest half of the country decreased overall by NZ$1.3 billion.

Public Good or Private Wealth shows the growing gap between rich and poor is undermining the fight against poverty, damaging our economies and fuelling public anger across the globe.  It reveals how governments are exacerbating inequality by underfunding public services, such as healthcare and education, on the one hand, while under taxing corporations and the wealthy, and failing to clamp down on tax dodging, on the other.  It also finds that women and girls are hardest hit by rising economic inequality.

Rachael Le Mesurier, Executive Director of Oxfam New Zealand, said:

“The size of your bank account should not dictate how many years your children spend in school, or how long you live – yet this is the reality in too many countries across the globe. While corporations and the super-rich enjoy low tax bills, millions of girls are denied a decent education and women are dying for lack of maternity care.”

The report reveals that the number of billionaires has almost doubled since the financial crisis, with a new billionaire created every two days between 2017 and 2018, yet wealthy individuals and corporations are paying lower rates of tax than they have in decades.

  • Getting the richest one percent to pay just 0.5 percent extra tax on their wealth could raise more money than it would cost to educate the 262 million children out of school and provide healthcare that would save the lives of 3.3 million people.
  • Just four cents in every dollar of tax revenue collected globally came from taxes on wealth such as inheritance or property in 2015. These types of tax have been reduced or eliminated in many rich countries and are barely implemented in the developing world.
  • Tax rates for wealthy individuals and corporations have also been cut dramatically. For example, the top rate of personal income tax in rich countries fell from 62 percent in 1970 to just 38 percent in 2013. The average rate in poor countries is just 28 percent.
  • In some countries, such as Brazil, the poorest 10 percent of society are now paying a higher proportion of their incomes in tax than the richest 10 percent.

At the same time, public services are suffering from chronic underfunding or being outsourced to private companies that exclude the poorest people.  In many countries a decent education or quality healthcare has become a luxury only the rich can afford. Every day 10,000 people die because they lack access to affordable healthcare. In developing countries, a child from a poor family is twice as likely to die before the age of five than a child from a rich family. In countries like Kenya a child from a rich family will spend twice as long in education as one from a poor family.

Cutting taxes on wealth predominantly benefits men who own 50 percent more wealth than women globally, and control over 86 percent of corporations.

Conversely, when public services are neglected poor women and girls suffer most. Girls are pulled out of school first when the money isn’t available to pay fees, and women clock up hours of unpaid work looking after sick relatives when healthcare systems fail. Oxfam estimates that if all the unpaid care work carried out by women across the globe was done by a single company it would have an annual turnover of $10 trillion – 43 times that of Apple, the world’s biggest company.

“People across the globe are angry and frustrated. Governments must now deliver real change by ensuring corporations and wealthy individuals pay their fair share of tax and investing this money in free healthcare and education that meets the needs of everyone – including women and girls whose needs are so often overlooked. Governments can build a brighter future for everyone – not just a privileged few,” added Le Mesurier.

Notes to editors

  • The report, methodology document explaining how Oxfam calculated the figures is available here. The data set is available on request.

Oxfam’s calculations are based on the most up to date, comprehensive data sources available.  Figures on the share of wealth owned by the poorest half of humanity come from Credit Suisse Wealth Databook and relate to the period June 2017 – June 2018. Figures on the very richest in society are based on more detailed data from the Annual Forbes ‘Billionaires List’ and relates to the period March 2017 – March 2018.

Eight Reasons Why Oxfam Unwrapped Charity Cards Make the Perfect Ethical Gift


With more people on the hunt for ethical Christmas presents, an Oxfam Unwrapped card is a gift you can feel good about giving to someone you care about.

With these unique cards, you can make a loved one smile, while fighting poverty and protecting the environment, one gift at a time. Here’s how Oxfam Unwrapped makes an impact.

1. Helping people to overcome income inequality

Oxfam NZ’s work is focussed on providing families in the Pacific with sustainable, resilient pathways out of poverty. When you buy a gift such as a goatchickenonions or honey bees, you’re helping set up small businesses in Vanuatu and Papua New Guinea. The animals are well looked after and the aspiring farmers are offered support and training to give their ventures the best chance at success.

2. Improving access to education

We’re working with schools and families around the world to give children, especially the next generation of girls, a quality education. Oxfam’s approach is wide-ranging and includes improving facilities and the quality of teaching, inspiring communities to value education more highly, and providing school supplies.

3. Supporting those most in need

When tropical cyclones hit the Pacific, Oxfam is on the ground helping those who have been affected with hygiene kits and safe water, before going on to help communities rebuild their lives. Cards such as A Soft Landing After a Hard Fall or Water for a Family help to provide necessities for those affected by natural and man-made disasters, such as refugee crises.

4. Promoting gender equality

Educate and empower the next generation of women’s rights activists in places like Vanuatu with the Mana Wahine card. Women are supported with opportunities to generate sustainable livelihoods, and aspiring activists are trained in effective ways of campaigning for gender equality and the eradication of violence against women.

5. Go plastic free

Christmas Day can easily lead to an overload of waste, so we’ve made sure that your gift comes in organic, compostable and recyclable packaging and courier bags. Or even better: select a digital (PDF) card which you can download and send to be completely waste-free.

6. Showing kindness to animals

Our farmers given training to provide their animals with the best possible care and on visits to our programmes we find them healthy and enjoying life. Products we include alongside our cards in our Premium Gifts, such as Ethique Shampoo Bars, are cruelty-free and save on plastic.

7. Fair Trade all the way

Not only will you help aspiring farmers get a fair price for their produce, all Oxfam Unwrapped promotional products, like Fair Trade Chocolate, are ethically sourced from small producers. This means those all along the supply chain are paid a fair price for what they sell, leading to a more equal world for everyone involved.

8. Spreading good vibes and generosity

By gifting a gift card like Feed a Family for Christmas, you can enjoy your festive meal, with the knowledge that you’ve helped a family in need purchase food during a hard time. Cards like these help to provide vouchers for families, like Rohingya refugees who have fled Myanmar, so they’re able to purchase necessary food and spices.

Shop now to see the full range and learn more about the communities each Oxfam Unwrapped gift card supports.