Local people call Sarlota Itlay ‘Mama Sarlota’. The 41 year old widow lives with her four children in Musaima village, a mountainous district in the Baliem Valley of West Papua.
News & Media
Violence and insecurity in the Southern Highlands of Papua New Guinea
This report presents the results of a study conducted in the Hela region of the Southern Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea over a 16-month period (October 2007 – March 2009). The study had the broad aim of exploring perceptions of insecurity, looking at the scale, nature, triggers and impacts of interpersonal and tribal violence. The main purpose of the study was to generate information for advocacy and to inform the policies and programme development of Oxfam and its local partner in the region, Hela Community Care.
Download the 12-page Executive Summary (PDF 310KB)
Now More Than Ever: Climate talks that work for those who need them most
The world’s governments are gathering in Cancun, Mexico, for the next round of global climate negotiations amid much apathy and disenchantment with the process. People who hoped to see a fair, ambitious and binding global deal in Copenhagen a year ago left there sorely disappointed. Some are questioning the viability of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to deliver. But now is not the time to walk away from the UN process. Cancun will not see governments cross the finishing line but they can make vital steps to bring that line back into sight. For millions of poor people around the world – those hit first and worst by a crisis they did least to cause – a fair and safe deal to tackle climate change is needed now more than ever.
The New Resource Grab: How EU Trade Policy on Raw Materials is Undermining Development
The European Union is making a big push to help its companies and investors access raw materials in developing countries. A new strategy, the Raw Materials Initiative, coupled with the negotiation of free trade agreements with developing countries, threatens to further constrain the ability of developing countries to promote effective development policies.
This report examines both the EU’s attempt to curb or ban the use of export taxes by developing countries, as well as its attempts to negotiate new rules on investment that will give European companies unprecedented access to raw materials in developing countries.
Better returns in a better world: Responsible investment
Some investors have played a leading and progressive role in the climate change debate, and have made valuable contributions in areas such as labour standards, access to essential medicines and bribery and corruption. However, many other issues related to poverty reduction and sustainable development have received little attention, or have been undermined by the actions of other investors. Oxfam launched the Better Returns in a Better World project (BRBW) in November 2008 to understand the barriers to greater investor engagement with this agenda, and to identify how these may be addressed or overcome.
Brokers Without Borders
Since 2006, more than 2000 people each day have died as a result of armed violence, and thousands more have had their human rights violated and their livelihoods undermined by the irresponsible trade and use of deadly weapons. The current international arms control system is failing to adequately regulate the arms trade and hold arms brokers and dealers accountable for their actions. As a result weapons continue to be transferred into environments where they are undermining development and fuelling human rights abuses. Oxfam has produced this report to examine publically available information about one specific case of illicit arms brokering.