The New Zealand investment industry has an important role to play in tackling poverty through responsible investment policies and public reporting, said Oxfam New Zealand Executive Director Barry Coates at the Responsible Investment Association Australia (RIAA) briefing in Auckland today.
News & Media
Oxfam calls for a generous response in the ‘race against time’
The drought in the Horn of Africa, which has pushed over 12 million people into a fight for survival, is a preventable disaster and solutions are possible – but large numbers of lives could soon be lost if nothing is done. It is currently the worst food crisis on the planet.
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Food crisis in Horn of Africa
Oxfam New Zealand is today launching an appeal to raise $100,000. This is part of Oxfam’s global appeal for assistance to the 12 million people across Ethiopia, Somalia and Kenya who face starvation. Oxfam needs $100 million globally to reach 3 million people in dire need of clean water, food and basic sanitation.
Taking the cheap option would cost lives and risks destabilising the region, Oxfam warns
Potential cuts to the next South Sudan peacekeeping mission risk endangering thousands of lives and future stability, international agency Oxfam said today. As the Security Council this week debates the future of the mission, Oxfam warned that failure to fully fund and resource it – including by slashing troop or civilian staffing numbers due to cost concerns – would undermine the progress that has been made over the past six years.
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Climate progress must happen in Berlin
This weekend Climate Change Negotiations Minister Tim Groser will meet ministers from around the world at the Petersberg Climate Dialogue in Berlin, a crucial stepping stone on the way to the United Nations climate talks in Durban in December. International agency Oxfam is today calling on the Government to acknowledge that business as usual is not enough, either in Berlin or at home in New Zealand.
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The impact of Russia’s 2010 grain export ban
This report looks at the short- and long-term impact of the grain export ban issued by the Russian government during 2010-11. It shows that the ban did not bring food prices down in Russia, that it increased the price of grain internationally, and helped create an enviroment where price spikes and general instability are far more likely in the future. The report concludes with recommendations for alternative policies to increase food security in the future.