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Failure to respond to early signs of famine costs lives and money

As the warning signs of a new food crisis appear in West Africa, Oxfam and Save the Children have looked back at the human and economic cost of failing to heed these signs in 2010, with tragic results becoming all too clear in the Horn of Africa last year. Thousands of needless deaths occurred and millions of extra dollars were spent because the international community failed to take decisive action on early warnings of a hunger crisis in the Horn of Africa, according to a new report by the two international aid agencies.

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Haiti: The slow road to reconstruction, two years after the earthquake

In the two years since the devastating earthquake, Haiti’s government has still not implemented comprehensive plans to address the key issues of shelter; sustainable access to water, sanitation, and hygiene; and secure livelihoods. Donors have failed to meet UN humanitarian appeals and have delivered less than half of promised reconstruction funds.

The international community must renew efforts to bolster the government’s capacity to effectively coordinate reconstruction, while consulting and engaging with Haitian citizens in the process.

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