The Future is Equal

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Meet Mary, giving as part of an ongoing legacy

Mary has spent most of her working life helping others. As head of a home and family counselling service, she provided years of vital care and support to people experiencing difficult and stressful times.

Having finally taken up retirement, Mary now fully enjoys her time playing golf, catching up with family and friends, and taking up new interests. But helping others remains an important part of who she is.

“Oxfam is one of the main charities I support, and I do so because I feel that I want to reach out to the rest of the world who aren’t as fortunate as I am to live in a privileged country. Oxfam’s values and beliefs fit well with my own.

“Oxfam takes a practical approach and involves local people. That’s what real community development is all about.”

“I am confident my support, both now and in the future, will really change the lives of people living in poverty.”

Mary has travelled to many places around the world but it was a visit to rural Samoa that really opened her eyes to the way many people in poverty live and they lack basic resources we can take for granted.

“I know that by giving a hand up, many people can thrive. That’s why I really like the work Oxfam does with Rural Training Centres in Vanuatu. It meets the needs of everyone in the community – providing water and sanitation facilities, a place for young people to gain an education, and a place for communities to shelter during times of emergencies.”

Since retiring, Mary has had to keep a closer eye on how much she spends. “Every time I read a story about a community Oxfam has helped, I want to donate,” says Mary. Because  this isn’t always practical, Mary decided to leave a gift to Oxfam in her Will. Her family, friends and loved ones have also been included in her Will, but she’s recognised that it’s important for her to include a cause she feels passionate about.

“I am confident that my support, both now, and in the future, will really change the lives of people living in poverty.”