The Future is Equal

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Game-changers in the Paris climate deal

There is likely to be a climate deal in Paris. The emission pledges that more than 150 governments have put on the table this year show that global climate ambition is increasing. But much more is needed, as it’s a deal that could still lead to around 3°C of warming. New Oxfam-commissioned research estimates that compared with 2°C, developing countries could be faced with an additional US$600bn per year in economic losses by 2050, and see their adaptation finance needs raised by almost US$300bn per year by the same date. But there is still scope for a stronger deal.

In this media briefing Oxfam looks at potential game-changers on finance and mitigation ambition that could avert these costs for the world’s poorest people. These are the issues that will determine whether the Paris deal reflects the power of the biggest fossil fuel emitters and elites, or is a turning point which starts to address the needs of the poorest and most vulnerable.

Meet Pauline, one of the first

Pauline Norris could be described as one of Oxfam’s original supporters. She remembers supporting Oxfam back in the early 1990s when the organisation was initially established  in New Zealand.

“In the early days of Oxfam New Zealand, Phil Twyford, who was the Executive Director back then, visited all the regular donors in person to find out why we’d chosen to give to Oxfam.” says Pauline.

A sociologist by background, Pauline is a Professor at the School of Pharmacy at Otago University in Dunedin. “My research focuses on access to and use of medicines. It includes research in the Pacific and with Pacific people here in New Zealand. I first came across Oxfam many years ago when I was reading about access to medicines in developing countries.

“What I like about Oxfam’s work is that it works to tackle the root causes of poverty. When I first started supporting Oxfam, most charities focused on child sponsorship. But I’m more interested in a community wide approach.”

Pauline has been an active member of the Dunedin Water for Survival group for more than 13 years. “We do various activities to raise funds for Oxfam’s water and sanitation work. Our biggest and best right now is selling Christmas trees,” adds Pauline. Last year the group raised an incredible $2,000 selling trees.

“In the late 1990s I made my first Will and it was then I decided to leave a bequest to Oxfam. It seemed like a great idea to me. It’s another way to support good work that I believe in, and I think more people should consider this option.”

“I’m pleased my support for Oxfam is helping whole communities to live healthier lives and building a better future for people living in poverty.”

Nepal Earthquake Six Months On: What needs to happen now?

On April 25, 2015, Nepal was struck by a massive 7.6 magnitude earthquake that left nearly 9,000 people dead and destroyed or damaged more than 850,000 homes. Many of the affected people have received some support from the Government of Nepal and aid organisations, but others are still waiting for assistance. The government’s response has been beset by delays, and for the past month the country has been in the grip of a fuel crisis.

As well as destroying and damaging homes, the earthquake also severely impacted employment, and six months on many are still struggling to find work, while those who do often report that their incomes are below pre-earthquake levels. Women, children, the elderly, ethnic minorities, those disadvantaged by the caste system and people living with disabilities have all been disproportionately affected by the earthquake and its aftermath. The problem of landlessness, widespread before the quake, has also worsened.

As winter approaches, the situation needs to be urgently addressed and recovery and reconstruction put back on track. This joint-agency media briefing summarizes the current situation and the challenges to be overcome as the effort continues.