Oxfam has deployed an evaluation team to Ecuador to determine its humanitarian response to the 7.8 earthquake that struck on the evening of April 16.
News & Media
What Will Become of Us?
About 60 million people across Southern Africa and the Horn, Central America, and the Pacific face worsening hunger and poverty due to droughts and crop failures in 2014–15 that have been exacerbated by the El Niño weather system in 2015–16. This number is likely to rise. The international response is working, but much more is needed and long-term solutions must be found.
This report gives a voice to some of the people Oxfam is working with in Ethiopia, Malawi, Zimbabwe, El Salvador and Papua New Guinea. They explain how they have lived through bad times before, but that this drought is much worse than previous ones.
Women and the 1%
The rise of extreme economic inequality is a serious blow to the fight against gender inequality and a threat to women’s rights. Women’s economic empowerment has the potential to transform many women’s lives for the better and support economic growth. However, unless the causes of extreme economic
inequality are urgently addressed, the majority of the benefits of women driven growth will accrue to those already at the top of the economy. The same forces that drive this economic inequality – political capture and market fundamentalism – are also driving greater gender inequality. By addressing these, through accountable and democratic institutions, decent work, progressive taxation and universal public services, we can win the twin struggles against gender and economic inequalities and make the world a fairer, better place.
Cyclone Zena threatens Fiji
Fiji faces further extreme weather today as Tropical Cyclone Zena threatens to damage weak buildings and crops, and heavy rains bring “catastrophic” flooding, just over a month after the country was hit by Cyclone Winston.
Locals lead the charge
Oxfam Trailwalker debuts in Whakatane
Bay of Plenty hosts 11th annual Oxfam Trailwalker.