The Future is Equal

Media Releases

City of Mosul retaken from ISIS

Responding to an announcement by the Iraqi Security Forces on 9th July 2017 that they have retaken the city of Mosul from ISIS, Oxfam’s Country

The poor an afterthought at the Hamburg G20

Reacting to the outcome of the G20 summit in Hamburg, Steve Price-Thomas, Oxfam International’s director of advocacy and campaigns, said: “When looking at the outcomes


How far would you go to get water?

Ida Bere, Zimbabwe. Photo: Abbie Trayler-Smith/OxfamAUS We don’t have to go far to get water here in New Zealand. We can just turn on the


Best of: Winnie Byanyima, part two

Winnie Byanyima during her recent visit to Nigeria – a nation on the brink of famine. Photo: Tom Saater/Oxfam The passionate and wise Winnie Byanyima,


Best of: Winnie Byanyima

The passionate and wise Winnie Byanyima, head of Oxfam International, came to visit New Zealand for the first time last week. She spoke on everything from


How a video game is giving refugees hope

Here’s your mission. Ensure a newborn has safe passage down the crocodile-infested Nile River, protect first-born Hebrew sons from death at the hands of Egyptian