The Future is Equal

Media Releases

Halving World Hunger: Still Possible

While time is running out, the global crises push the MDGs desperately off course. The only chance of avoiding failure is a rescue plan for

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Shelter in Haiti

A place to call home. Marceline, Sabine and David live in the Coraille resettlement camp outside earthquake-ravaged Port-au-Prince. Oxfam has provided shelter, water, latrines and

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Rebuilding lives

Things will get better. Oxfam helped women like Marie Carole Boursiquot run community canteens in the wake of the Haiti earthquake. Photo: Kateryna Perus Marie Carole Boursiquot was


Ongoing support

Elsie Delva is from Carrefour Feuilles, a poor neighbourhood of Port-au-Prince. She lost everything in the earthquake. Like thousands of other women and men who

The $100 billion questions

The World Bank last year estimated that US$75-100 billion per year is needed for poor countries to adapt to climate change, if global warming levels