The Future is Equal

Media Releases

BEIRUT: One month since the blast and thousands can’t afford a front door

One month since the massive blast in Beirut, tens of thousands of vulnerable people are unable to rebuild their homes, with a single front door costing two months’ worth of a minimum-wage salary, warned Oxfam today. 

Longstanding inequality, massive inflation and COVID-19 have compounded this humanitarian disaster for tens of thousands, making it almost impossible for them to recover.

“Huge inflation has meant the cost of basic materials needed to rebuild homes and businesses is out of reach for thousands of people who were struggling to get by even before the blast. While the minimum wage is just under $450 a month, the cost of replacing one window is now nearly $500 and a door up to $1000. These families need urgent assistance to recover from this disaster and rebuild their lives,” said Oxfam’s Policy Lead in Lebanon, Bachir Ayoub.

The blast came at time when thousands of people where already on the brink. An estimated 50 per cent of the population was living under the poverty line, the Lira’s value had dropped 80% since October, migrant workers were being abandoned and forced out on the streets, cash was almost impossible to access, and restrictive measures to contain the pandemic prevented casual workers from getting to their jobs.

“Following the blast, an estimated additional 70,000 workers are now jobless. Half of all wholesale, retail and hospitality establishments near the blast site have been destroyed.

“In the most affected areas, the majority of people are low and middle- income workers who earn the minimum wage or less. Most of them have lost their jobs in the port or the businesses in the devastated areas. Many people are unable to put food on the table, let alone repair their houses,” added Ayoub.

As coronavirus cases surge, the cost of a single test is $100 and well out of reach for most people.

Oxfam is working with Lebanese organisations to ensure that Beirut’s most marginalised people are not left behind and instead have the support they need to recover from the blast.

Oxfam’s joint response with partners will focus on supporting local leadership, and will prioritise reaching people with disabilities, the elderly, women and girls who are now at greater risk of violence because of unsafe houses, migrant workers, refugees and the LGBTQ+ community.

Oxfam’s partner-led response is providing over 9000 people with support ranging from emergency cash and food, medical services, mental health support, legal assistance and help to repair and rebuild homes and businesses.

But there is still too much that needs to be done for Beirut to begin to recover. Celine El Kik, a social worker from Oxfam partner KAFA says the mental scars of the blast will linger long after the physical damage has been repaired. “The port explosion affected all of us, but especially women who were already vulnerable. We’re providing social and legal support, as well as cash assistance for people who lost their jobs or their houses.”

Oxfam calls for fair and just distribution of aid to provide critical support to these vulnerable communities and people who will be unable to cope and rebuild their lives without targeted and transparent aid.

“We are worried that the growing inequality and suffering we were already seeing in some of Lebanon’s most vulnerable communities – like refugees and migrant workers, the elderly and LGBTQI+ community – will only get worse, and they will fall even farther behind,” added Ayoub.


·         The Minimum wage in Lebanon is set by the Government at 675,000 LBP which was equivalent to USD$450 this time last year

·         One-meter square of average quality (6mm) glass cost 16$ before the explosion. After August 4th, and with the increasing prices in the market, the Ministry of Economy specified the prices of one-meter square of glass with an aluminum frame at USD$500

·         The average market price of a door with quality locks is currently USD$700-1000

·         To respond to the impact of the blast Oxfam is working with 11 partners to deliver emergency support including distribution of food parcels and the provision of emergency and temporary cash assistance, household rehabilitation, legal assistance and consultation, psycho-social support and medication. The services are provided to families and individuals in the affected areas including women, girls, LGBTQ+ community members, people with disabilities and migrant workers.

·         Our partners under the Beirut Response are Lebanese Centre for Human Rights (CLDH), KAFA, Anti-Racism Movement (ARM), Basmeh and Zeitooneh (B&Z), Lebanese Physically Handicapped Union (LPHU), Lebanese observatory for workers and employees’ rights (LOWER), HELEM, Legal Agenda (LA), Mada Association, Arc En Ciel and People’s Solidarity, hosted by a partner organisation called Social Media Exchange (SMEXs)

·         Since March 2020, Oxfam in Lebanon has been responding to the COVID-19 pandemic to address the needs of vulnerable communities in the Bekaa Valley. Along with local partners, Oxfam continues to distribute water, soap and disinfection kits to refugees in the informal tented settlements.

·         Oxfam in Lebanon works on active citizenship and good governance, economic justice and humanitarian programmes.

·         Oxfam has been working in Lebanon since 1993 providing humanitarian assistance to vulnerable people affected by conflict, and promoting economic development, good governance at a local and national level, and women’s rights through work with local partners. Oxfam also works with local partners to contribute to the protection and empowerment of marginalized women and men. 

·         Lebanon hosts the largest number of refugees per capita in the world: 1 out of every 4 people. In response to the Syria crisis, Oxfam has been providing water and sanitation, and emergency cash assistance for refugees and poor Lebanese, helping refugees with legal protection issues, and supporting small businesses and private-sector job creation. Oxfam is currently working in North Lebanon, the Bekaa Valley, South Lebanon, and in Palestinian camps and gatherings.


For more information or to arrange an interview contact:
Kelsey-Rae Taylor | [email protected] | +64 21 298 9854

Gaza hospitals brace for surging COVID-19 cases amidst bombing, and severe electricity shortages, warns Oxfam

Hospitals and Palestinians in Gaza, one of the most densely populated places on the planet, are bracing for the Coronavirus pandemic. Only three to four hours of electricity per day, as entry of fuel has been restricted by Israel, has forced Gaza’s single electricity plant to shut down, compounding the risk of infection for two million Palestinians, Oxfam warned today.

At the same time, the blockaded strip, now under complete lockdown, is experiencing continuous bombardment from Israeli forces and likely to see an exponential increase in virus transmission.

“The gravity of the pandemic finally making its way into communities in Gaza cannot be underestimated. There are only 97 intensive care unit beds and ventilators in Gaza. The lack of fuel for back-up generators means hospitals aren’t able to effectively operate intensive care units and properly treat COVID-19 and other patients,” said Shane Stevenson, Oxfam’s Country Director in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and Israel.

The first cases of COVID-19 outside of quarantine centres were announced earlier this week. Overcrowding in the sealed off coastal enclave, where 5,000 people live per square kilometre, makes physical distancing impossible and rapid transmission a certainty. This puts more people at risk, especially those with pre-existing conditions.

“People’s access to clean water has already dropped from about 80 litres to 20 litres a day. This will directly affect people’s ability to protect themselves from the virus. If no more fuel is allowed in, and with the power plant no longer operating, the supply of drinking water through desalination plants could be reduced by 80%. People  are forced to choose between hygiene and food,” added Stevenson.

The lockdown is pushing more of Gaza’s already extremely vulnerable families into poverty. Families are running out of food, and with the electricity shortages, they can no longer store in refrigerators. With power cuts, private water vendors are also overwhelmed with demand at a time when hygiene is crucial to keep people from contracting the virus.

Oxfam is already responding to the pandemic in Gaza and assessing new needs; providing clean water and sanitation to 270,000 people, as well as food-vouchers to help families have enough to eat. The lockdown has suspended some activities, putting more lives at risk.

“Israeli authorities must allow fuel into Gaza, so its sole electricity plant can power hospitals again so they can treat patients, and for families to access clean water to slow the spread of the virus”, added Stevenson.

Notes to the editor


  • As of Thursday 27th August, there were 40 confirmed cased of COVID-19 outside of quarantine centres in Gaza, including in the densely populated Maghazi refugee camp.
  • More 2,200 people (arriving into Gaza and going directly into quarantine for 21 days) are in 16 quarantine centres and 178 people are in home quarantine.
  • Latest information about COVID-19 cases in Gaza: WHO, OCHA and Ministry of Health in Gaza
  • Oxfam spokespeople based in Gaza are available for interviews.
  • A video from our staff in Gaza:

Oxfam report says New Zealand’s aid not going where it is needed most

The New Zealand government’s aid in developing countries is not going to projects where it is needed most, says Oxfam, according to a new report published by agency today.

Less than two percent of aid spending went to activities focused solely on climate adaptation, according to the latest data in the report, and almost half have no gender equality component, despite a long-standing commitment from the government to mainstream gender across its aid programme.

With the global pandemic threatening to put progress against poverty back by decades, the report says now more than ever New Zealand needs to expand its aid budget. Aid remains a crucial tool for governments to use to make sure everyone, everywhere has their fundamental needs met for safety, good health and economic security.

The report, called Collective Resilience: New Zealand’s aid contribution in times of inequality and crises, is the first external review of New Zealand’s aid programme in over two decades.

Oxfam New Zealand’s Communications and Advocacy Director and co-author of the report, Dr Joanna Spratt, said: “While New Zealand’s aid contribution has some firm foundations, there is room for substantial improvement, including in climate action, gender justice and addressing inequality. Aid has a critical role to play in fighting both inequality and poverty, as the world faces looming challenges due to a pandemic, global recession, and climate destruction.

“We are yet to witness the full impact of the coronavirus in developing countries across the world. What is certain is that the spread of the virus will be catastrophic for people already living in poverty. Meanwhile, climate breakdown remains a significant challenge to ensuring all people, everywhere, can survive and thrive.”

Collective Resilience outlines six principles for improving both the quality and quantity of New Zealand’s aid, along with a suite of recommendations, for example, expanding its focus on climate action. Currently, despite New Zealand’s focus on giving aid to the Pacific region where climate breakdown has been declared the region’s greatest threat, we rank just 18 out of 29 OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) peers for aid contributions to climate adaptation.

Spratt said: “In a world where humanity is more connected than ever before – a fact the coronavirus pandemic starkly shows – aid is a crucial area of government expenditure to invest in the wellbeing of all people. Together we can navigate a path forward that puts people and planet first, and New Zealand’s overseas aid has an important role to play in forging this path.”

For further information and interviews please contact:

Kelsey-Rae Taylor | [email protected] | +64 21 298 9854


Oxfam prepares response to Beirut blast – Lebanon

Oxfam is working with local partners to assess how it can help those who have lost their homes and livelihoods in the Beirut explosion.

Oxfam is extremely concerned about the ability of communities in Beirut, and the rest of Lebanon, to recover from the latest crisis. Even before the blast, Lebanon was at breaking point, with people struggling to cope with multiple, complex crises of economic collapse and a global pandemic.  The scale and magnitude of the disaster means hundreds of thousands of people now need immediate aid including food, shelter, water, fuel, protection, as well as support to rebuild their lives and livelihoods well into the future.

Oxfam Lebanon Policy Lead, Bachir Ayoub said this ‘crisis on crises’ creates huge challenges for people in Lebanon for years to come:

“Lebanon was already struggling to cope.  The economy has been in a tailspin, the local currency has lost approximately 80 percent of its value, and the last month has seen a dramatic increase in coronavirus cases with hospitals already under pressure.

“People whose homes have been damaged or completely destroyed will not be able to access their money to start to repair or rebuild, and essential items like wheat and medicine will soon be scarce, as the Port of Beirut, the major storage and supply point, has been obliterated.   A massive effort will be required to recover.

“The devastation in Beirut is unimaginable, and the road to recovery will be long and hard. Like all of Beirut, Oxfam staff have been affected. Some have had homes completely destroyed, others have sustained injuries. Thankfully, all are safe. We stand in solidarity with all have been affected as we work together to rebuild.”

Oxfam New Zealand’s response to the deadly Beirut blast is focused on supporting the people most vulnerable to imminent food and medicine shortages, particularly Syrian refugees living in Lebanon and their host communities who were already facing economic crisis and long-term food and livelihood insecurity. Donate here:  


For further information and interviews please contact:

Kelsey-Rae Taylor | [email protected] | +64 21 298 9854


·       Oxfam has been working in Lebanon since 1993 providing humanitarian assistance to vulnerable people affected by conflict, and promoting economic development, good governance at a local and national level, and women’s rights through work with local partners. Oxfam also works with local partners to contribute to the protection and empowerment of marginalised women and men.

·       Lebanon hosts the largest number of refugees per capita in the world: 1 out of every 4 people. In response to the Syria crisis, Oxfam has been providing water and sanitation, and emergency cash assistance for refugees and poor Lebanese, helping refugees with legal protection issues, and supporting small businesses and private-sector job creation. Oxfam is currently working in North Lebanon, the Bekaa Valley, South Lebanon, and in Palestinian camps and gatherings.

Oxfam concerned with the recent spike in PNG COVID-19 cases

Papua New Guinea

Oxfam in PNG with its local partners is deeply concerned with the recent spike in the number of COVID-19 cases reported in Papua New Guinea (PNG). The recent increase within the communities exposes many people, particularly the most vulnerable, to the risk of possibly contracting the virus.

Oxfam PNG Country Director, Anand Das, explained that in response to the alarming number of new COVID-19 cases Oxfam remains committed to supporting the work being done by Government in ensuring the safety of its citizens especially in vulnerable communities by re-enforcing the need to adhere to COVID-19 protocols and preventative measures.

“We have observed that there is still a large number of people who are not adhering or are unable to adhere to the preventative measures enforced by Government and this is extremely worrying. The National Department of Health has also reported seeing community transmission in the National Central District, making our work in amplifying our awareness messages even more vital at this point,” said Mr Das.

PNG lifted its COVID-19 Pandemic State of Emergency on 2 June 2020 and in the first week of July three more cases were confirmed. Thereafter, the total number of reported cases increased to 31 and then 62 within just a few days. As of 1 August, total cases have now increased to 91; including 51 active cases and two deaths.

The PNG government has taken immediate action by restricting domestic travel, increasing provincial border checks, and making wearing of masks mandatory, restricting public gatherings, imposing of curfews and intensifying contact tracing efforts.

“Testing clinics have also been set-up in various centres and the St John’s Ambulance is also providing testing services at a small fee to assist.  We encourage people to take advantage of this service and most importantly to adhere to the protocols,” said Mr Das.

He explained that there is growing concern also with the lack of understanding by the public on the need to utilise these clinics and the laxity in adhering to the preventative measures. “There is a need for more coordinated communication to re-enforce the messaging and this is where civil society organisations, NGOs and local partners can assist in reaching out to the people.”

Oxfam has initiated its COVID-19 Response Plan with support from the Australian Humanitarian Partnership Disaster Ready (DFAT) programme to spread community awareness through different forms of local and international media. Assistance received from the New Zealand Government (through MFAT) is also being initiated with an integrated approach of public health projects, awareness on COVID protocols, addressing food and income security of vulnerable populations and supporting district and provincial administration in the response.

“With the restrictions, our immediate concern is the safety and well-being of our staff and their families as well. We are also concerned with the safety of our partners in the communities and we may consider scaling down some of our programs on the ground and focus more on risk communication and community engagement by providing more COVID-19 awareness through the media,” explained Das.

Das also added that cases are expected to increase, and Oxfam in PNG will focus on community outreach and awareness on COVID-19 protocols throughout the next 12-18 months, while concentrating on building resilience of communities through food security and nutritional activities, hand hygiene and safe sanitation, and gender and inclusion, including addressing gender relations and women’s increased workloads in the long run and supporting district and provincial administration in finalising their COVID-19 Response Plans.


– ends –

For interviews or more information please contact: 
Kelsey-Rae Taylor | [email protected] | +64 21 298 9854

COVID-19: First cases confirmed in the Sahrawi camps, 173,000 refugees at risk

Coronavirus has breached the Sahrawi refugee camps in Algeria, putting over 170,000 chronically vulnerable refugees at significant risk, Oxfam said today.

The rates of preexisting health conditions in the camps is gravely concerning and could make this outbreak particularly dangerous. Fifty-two per cent of women living in the camps are anemic, over 11 per cent of adults have diabetes, and six per cent live with coeliac disease, the highest prevalence in the world.

The camp clinics have no ventilators, too few beds, and drastic shortages of medical supplies and protective equipment.

Oxfam Country Director in Algeria, Haissam Minkara, said: “This is the news people here have been fearing. Sahrawi refugees have been displaced for 45 years in the harsh Algerian Sahara, where food and water are incredibly scarce and so many suffer from pre-existing vulnerabilities. The health infrastructure in the camps is too fragile to cope with the potential catastrophe that COVID-19 could bring.”

Despite a joint appeal for $14 million launched in April by Oxfam and eight other humanitarian agencies operating in the refugee camps to mitigate the worst effects of the pandemic and adapt programs in the health, WaSH, food, and education sectors to address emerging challenges, the COVID-response remains drastically underfunded. Local authorities and organizations remain extremely underprepared to protect people.  

Oxfam Is distributing protective equipment and hygiene items to 33 public health facilities and clinics in the camps, improving people’s access to clean water, increasing distributions of fresh fruit and vegetables, as well as gluten-free flour, and promoting proper hygiene practices among the community.

“The Sahrawi refugee crisis has been overlooked by the international community for over four decades and now the stakes couldn’t be higher. Organizations like Oxfam are mobilizing resources, but it will not be enough. The international community must support local authorities and agencies to deal with this outbreak or the outcome could be catastrophic,” said Mr. Minkara.


Notes to Editors:

Since 1975 Algeria has hosted a large proportion of the Sahrawi population in refugee camps near the city of Tindouf, the majority of whom are dependent on humanitarian aid to sustain basic needs such as access to food, water, and shelter. The camps are situated in a particularly hostile environment, with temperatures reaching up to 55 degrees Celsius in July and August, frequent sandstorms, constant drought and rare but devastating torrential rains. As a result, refugees suffer from persistent levels of food insecurity and malnutrition and have limited opportunities for self-reliance.

Oxfam has been active in the camps since 1975, and over the years, our work has evolved from emergency aid to the multifaceted provision of humanitarian support, resilience and capacity building activities.

For more on Oxfam in the Sahrawi refugee camps:

Joint-COVID-19 submission for refugees from Western Sahara in camps in Algeria:

For more information contact:

Anna Samulski | [email protected] | +1 718 644 8511