The Future is Equal

Media Releases

Gabriela Bucher appointed new Oxfam International Executive Director

Oxfam International is pleased to announce Gabriela Bucher as its new Executive Director. Ms Bucher is a leader in the field of gender equality and human rights. She joins Oxfam from Plan International where she had a global leadership role as its Chief Operating Officer.

Ms Bucher said she was excited for the new challenge in leading Oxfam, steering through its internal transformation and nurturing the energy and talent of its staff and partners to effect positive change around the world.

Ms Bucher was selected after a global search led by Oxfam International’s interim Chair Ricardo Acuña. “In an outstanding field of candidates, we were highly impressed by Gabriela’s strong feminist leadership and by the values she brings to inspire and convene our Oxfam confederation with our partners in our fight against inequality to end poverty and injustice. We value her deep and senior leadership experience within our sector which establishes her strength to lead Oxfam’s drive to be a leaner, more diverse and globally-balanced organization.”

Ms Bucher said: “I have long held the greatest respect for Oxfam as part of our global movement for a just and sustainable world. Oxfam is a global network that fights inequality in order to make the systemic change that is necessary for people to reach a fairer and better life not only for themselves today, but for their children tomorrow. 

“I believe there is bravery in genuinely listening to all, in order to really understand and drive change in the fight against inequality. Dialogue that is open and respectful can be truly transformative, no matter how profound the differences are between us.”

“I am deeply aware of the huge challenges facing civil society actors like Oxfam, including from the economic, political and social upheavals that are all worsened now by the coronavirus pandemic ―as I have seen first-hand in leading Plan International’s coronavirus response. The work of organizations like Oxfam is needed now more than ever. In these times we find strength from the values we hold, from the partnerships we treasure and from the strength of our facts, our convictions and our solidarity with people who are facing oppression and poverty,” she said.

Ms Bucher played a leading role in Plan International’s work reaching forty million girls and boys through its 8,000-strong staff. She previously led the growth of Fundacion Plan from a country office to a full Plan affiliate member, playing a role in Colombia’s peace process as a partner of the government on all issues concerning children’s rights. 

Ms Bucher will replace Oxfam International’s interim Executive Director Chema Vera and start her new role in November 2020. 

Rights in Crisis: Israel’s illegal annexation of parts of the West Bank

On the announcement of Israel’s illegal annexation of parts of the West Bank Oxfam’s Country Director in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and Israel Shane Stevenson said:

“Today millions of Palestinians worldwide have been betrayed by the international community. This serious—and likely irreversible— plan to acquire occupied territory by force is a violation of the most basic principles of international law.

Whether annexation takes place today or tomorrow, incrementally or in swathes, it will throw Palestinian families into indefinite limbo. It will see Palestinians in areas under threat face an increase in discriminatory legal regimes, raids on their homes, separated families, limited access to basic services, more checkpoints, walls and fences, further limiting Palestinians’ already restricted freedom of movement and ultimately fall further into poverty. Shame on those world leaders who did so little to give Palestinians any hope of a life of freedom, prosperity and peace. It is nothing less than a reversal of decades and billions of dollars of development and humanitarian work.

Palestinian communities are at risk of becoming isolated enclaves. The annexation of the fertile land of  the Jordan Valley in particular, the food basket of the West Bank, would render a functioning Palestinian State impossible; depriving it of the land and natural resources necessary to sustain itself. Oxfam strongly condemns any annexation of West Bank territory and urges the international community to reject any further steps in this plan. Its
repercussions must be made crystal clear if Israel moves forward with this harmful, illegal act.”

Notes to Editors:

  • Supporting photography and quotes from impacted Palestinians are available upon request
  • Oxfam has been working in the region since the 1950s and established a country office in the 1980s. We work in the most vulnerable communities in Gaza, East Jerusalem, and Area C with more than 60 Palestinian and Israeli partner organizations to respond to humanitarian crises, to help communities to earn a living and access resources like food, water and education, and to build a strong civil society.
  • Spokespeople are available upon request.
  • Contact: Adeline Guerra in Jerusalem | | +972 (0)54 6395 002 | Skype: aguerra.oxfam

Gavi launches COVID vaccine initiative for developing countries

Responding to the launch of a new initiative to help developing countries access a coronavirus vaccine at the Global Vaccine Summit today, Oxfam’s Health Policy Manager, Anna Marriott, said:

“Gavi, and the governments behind it, recognise that high prices could prevent millions of people across the developing world being vaccinated against the coronavirus. Their response to this problem must avoid repeating the costly mistakes of the past, where they sought to subsidise the price charged by the pharmaceutical industry rather than seeking to bring them down, and ignored the needs of middle-income countries.

“Governments must stand up to wealthy pharmaceutical companies and insist that taxpayer’s money is only invested in vaccines that are patent free and available for all.”

Oxfam Trailwalker announces new location for 100km charity walk in Taranaki

Oxfam has announced it will be moving its flagship fundraising event Oxfam Trailwalker to Taranaki, with the charity walk due to make its debut in the stunning New Plymouth region on March 20-21, 2021.

Throwing their weight behind Oxfam Trailwalker 2021 are some well-known figures including television personality Art Green, broadcaster Sacha McNeil, comedian Te Radar and mayor of Taranaki Neil Holdom, who have all lent their voices to encourage Kiwis to sign up for the challenge of their lives and stay active and connected with others while doing it.

Around a thousand Kiwis are expected to take part in New Zealand’s largest team endurance event, which sees teams of four tackle either 100 kilometres in 36 hours or 50 kilometres in 18 hours to raise vital funds for Oxfam’s work fighting injustice and poverty. Oxfam Trailwalker is aimed at people aged 18-80 at all fitness levels, with everyone from trail-walking novices to pro-athletes taking part each year. It is not a relay – the challenge is for the teams of four to start and finish together.


The event typically raises almost a million dollars each year to support projects in the Pacific and around the world. Now this will include providing life-saving support to those hit doubly hard by poverty and the coronavirus pandemic. The charity made the difficult but necessary decision to cancel the fifth and final event in Whakatāne this year for the safety of participants and communities.


Oxfam New Zealand’s Executive Director Rachael Le Mesurier said: “We are excited to be looking forward to our first year in the stunning Taranaki region, with its picturesque mounga, beautiful beaches and exquisite bush. What better backdrop for a life-changing, foot-slogging, team-bonding journey that not only will inspire you, but make a difference to people challenging injustice and poverty during a global pandemic.


“We invite the fitness buffs, the nature lovers walking for their mental health, the friends of all ages looking for a new adventure together – whatever your reason for walking, join us and walk tor a better world, for now and for our future generations. It is a great opportunity to lift your hopes and plans out of lockdown mode and start walking across our gorgeous whenua for a cause that reminds us that compassion knows no borders.


“As we all grapple with the effects of the pandemic on our families, communities here in Aotearoa and those we love overseas, it’s hard to imagine what life must be like for people in refugee camps or poor communities with limited healthcare and clean water and no chance of social distancing. You’ll be making a difference for people when it really counts.”


“We look forward to making this one of the best Oxfam Trailwalker events yet, together with the wonderful Taranaki hosts, the council, tangata whenua and local communities.”


Mayor of New Plymouth Neil Holdom said the event was an exciting boost to the region. “We’re absolutely thrilled to host the Oxfam Trailwalker challenge for the next three years,” he said. “It’s another major event in our beautiful region as we continue to build a lifestyle capital and it will be a superb showcase for our wonderful corner of Aotearoa. It’s perfect timing too as it will bring hundreds of much-needed visitors to our region as we all work to get back on our feet as the economic shock of Covid-19 bites.”


CEO of Venture Taranaki, Justine Gilliland said: “From mounga to moana, Taranaki has so much to offer. Oxfam Trailwalker will bring a significant boost to the Taranaki economy, providing many opportunities for local enterprises to capitalise on the influx of event participants, as well as their support crews. We look forward to welcoming you, and the entire Oxfam whānau to Taranaki next year – nau mai, haere mai!”


Registrations are now open for Oxfam Trailwalker 2021, which is due to be held over March 20-21 2021 for the very first time in the award-winning Taranaki region. Step up to this incredible team challenge and take advantage of the limited time launch entry price by registering at

New swarms of locusts threaten to increase hunger in East Africa reeling from floods and coronavirus

Flooding and Covid-19 restrictions create perfect conditions for locusts to multiply


Oxfam warned today that millions of people in East and Central Africa, already suffering due to flooding and the impact of coronavirus, are at risk of increased hunger and poverty as the region braces for the latest generation of locusts which are due to hatch in June – just when crops are to be harvested.


The highest rainfall in 40 years in parts of the region has caused severe flooding which has killed over 400 people, forced half a million people from their homes and destroyed crops and livelihoods. 


The heavy rains, exacerbated by climate change, have also created the perfect conditions for the breeding of locusts, raising fears that the swarms could be 400 larger times
than the original swarms. The locust outbreak, already the biggest in 70 years, has decimated thousands of hectares of crops throughout larger swathes of the region, especially Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia.


Restrictions imposed by governments to contain coronavirus are also hampering efforts to stop the spread of locusts. Stocks of pesticides are dwindling as border closures have strangled the supply chain and overnight curfews restrict the ability of pilots to spray insecticide in key breeding areas. 


The floods and the new wave of locust infestation will lead to increased food shortages in a region where over 33 million people are already severely food insecure.  At the same time, the economic fallout from governments’ efforts to contain the pandemic is likely to push millions of people further into poverty as there are little or no social safety
nets to protect them.


Lydia Zigomo, Oxfam’s Regional Director in the Horn, East and Central Africa said:  


“The region is facing multiple concurrent crises – each compounding the other and making it more difficult to tackle and contain. Together they form a lethal combination that
threatens to increase hunger, poverty and suffering for millions of the most vulnerable people. 


“In a grim coincidence, the recent rains have created the perfect breeding conditions for locusts while restrictions introduced to contain coronavirus have hampered efforts to control their spread.”  


Last week, The World Bank announced $500 million in grants and low-interest loans to help countries in Africa and the Middle East combat the impact of locusts. Kenya and Uganda have received large loans from the International Monetary Fund to support their responses to Covid-19, including the expansion of social protection programs.


Oxfam is calling on more international donors to support governments in the region in providing immediate assistance, including increased cash grants, to help the poorest and most vulnerable people survive the multiple crises.


Zigomo said: “Cash grants and other forms of social protection can play a huge role in protecting vulnerable people, and they are a critical and urgent response to this triple crisis. Donors must support governments to expand their social protection systems.” 


Somali farmer Frudusa Mali Muhamed living in Ethiopia, whose entire onion crop was devasted by locusts, said: “All my three hectares of onion are now gone. After the locust attack, the farm soon turned into a breeding ground for swarms that later killed all the onion buds and roots.”  


Despite the lockdown restrictions, Frudusa has been forced to sell tea on the street to support her family and recover the money she lost.


Oxfam is working closely with local partners in Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, and Somalia, to provide cash assistance to more than 6000 households to buy food. Oxfam is also
distributing soap, hygiene kits and clean water to hospitals and communities. Oxfam staff have been increasing public awareness to help prevent the spread of coronavirus, including broadcasting messages in local languages with megaphones in rural villages.  


To overcome some of the lockdown challenges, Oxfam is working with mobile phone operators to supply e-vouchers for soap and water through “water ATMs” – pre-paid machines that dispense water to the most vulnerable communities.  


Oxfam also developed a mobile GPS app that allows community volunteers to record data on local locust infestations which are then shared with government response teams. 


Oxfam is calling for almost $46 million to help almost three million people with lifesaving aid in the region. 



Notes to Editors 


  • Oxfam is committed to supporting governments to scale up social protection systems and to ensuring support reaches those who most need it, in an inclusive, transparent, and accountable way. 
  • Currently, the Horn, East and Central Africa region has over 11,000 confirmed cases of Covid-19 and over 300 deaths, with the risk of this increasing as many countries in the region have poor health systems and are still planning to do mass testing.  
  • African economies will likely go to recession in 2020 with an expected loss of $157bn to $212 billion GDP loss in Africa as a result of COVID-19 according to the
    African Development Bank (AfDB) President 
    Akinwumi Adesina. So far, African countries have lost around $29 billion due to the coronavirus pandemic, according to UN estimates. This is the equivalent of Uganda’s entire Gross Domestic Product. 
  • Over 33 million people in east and central Africa are currently severely food insecure and require food assistance. Of these, almost 17 million are in Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia and South Sudan.

Contact Information 

Spokespersons available. To arrange for interviews and  media enquiries please contact: 

Martin Namasaka 
Regional Media and Communications Advisor 
Mobile:  +254731953944 


Oxfam responds to devastation in the wake of Cyclone Amphan

Cyclone Amphan

Cyclone Amphan has left a trail of devastation throughout north-east India and the Bangladesh coast, with over 80 deaths reported so far, destroying homes, embankments and crops, and compounding the suffering in many communities already hit by coronavirus and the impact of the lockdown.


The low-lying coastal communities in both countries are amongst the worst hit by the strongest ever cyclone recorded over the Bay of Bengal, which swept through the region late Thursday. 


Oxfam and its partners are helping provide food, shelter and clean water to communities and assessing the further support needed in many others. 


Dipankar Datta, Country Director, Oxfam in Bangladesh said: 


“The situation in the low-lying coastal districts is very grave.  Many homes have been destroyed and the cyclone has washed in salty water, contaminating the land and water sources.  Our partners are distributing food to the most vulnerable and preparing to distribute safe drinking water and other essential items.  The extra hygiene precautions necessary to contain coronavirus are slowing the response but we know they are vital.


While Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh was spared the worst of the cyclone’s impact, flooding in the densely populated camps where almost one million Rohingya refugees live in muddy shelters on hill sides, has sparked fears of mudslides. There are also concerns about the growing number of coronavirus cases in the camps.  


Pankaj Anand, Director of Programs and Humanitarian response, Oxfam India said:  


“It’s a triple crisis with the cyclone, coronavirus and economic devastation completely intertwined. 


 “The evacuation was successful in saving many lives – the challenge now is ensuring that people have the food and support they need to survive and get back on their feet as quickly as possible. 


“Many people already had no savings left having lost their jobs or vital remittances due to lockdown. There are now no jobs in the cities and in the villages farms and crops have been destroyed due to the cyclone.  People have nothing to fall back on.” 


Oxfam and its partners have teams in the affected villages assessing where safe drinking water and food is most urgently needed.  In some places the response has already started while in others distribution will start as soon as possible. 


To prevent the spread of coronavirus during the cyclone response, Oxfam has helped distribute masks, provide handwashing facilities and disinfect cyclone shelters. 


In the low-lying coastal areas in Bangladesh, Oxfam has also prepared desalination plants to provide safe drinking water as the water sources have now been contaminated by the storm surge.  Salty water destroys crops and causes health problems. 


Coronavirus continues to incite fear and threaten lives, and the risks of outbreaks of water-borne disease such as cholera also remain. 


Aysha, a 55-year-old mother from a small coastal village in Barguna, Bangladesh spent the night in a cyclone shelter. She said: 


 “In the shelter, there were so many people and it was really hard to maintain social distance. I forgot about what might happen to me if my house was washed away by the tidal surge – I was more worried about the possibility of my family members getting infected by the virus.” 


 Notes to editors: 

  • Footage and photos available for Cox’s Bazar shot on 17-20 May including photos of rains in the camp, preparations including workers in PPE digging ditches and interviews with a female Rohingya refugee and Moury Rahman, Oxfam’s Senior Public Health Promotion in the camp as well as B roll of camp, people handwashing, social distancing, wearing masks. 
  • In Bangladesh, Oxfam is providing water and sanitation and increasing hygiene awareness to 173,000 people in the Rohingya refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar and 9,000 people in the surrounding community. It also helping almost 400,000 people in the coastal districts. 
  • Oxfam India is working across 14 states to help five million people with hygiene training and over one million people with food during the coronavirus lockdown migration. 
  • There are over 135,000 Covid-19 reported cases in India and Bangladesh