The Future is Equal

Media Releases

Oxfam Aotearoa responds to New Zealand’s Climate Target

“New Zealand’s climate target for 2035 fails to show our commitment to stand with the Pacific and stop climate harm” said Oxfam Aotearoa Climate Justice Lead, Nick Henry. 

The New Zealand Government has just announced its climate target for 2035 under the Paris Agreement. New Zealand is obliged to set a Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) that shows ‘maximum possible ambition’ to reduce climate-harming emissions. The NDC must also show progress from the 2030 target.  

New Zealand’s first NDC committed to net emissions in 2030 being 50% less than gross emissions in 2005. The new target for 2035 commits to 51-55% reductions in the same terms. 

“While other countries around the world are making real progress, committing to 60 and 70% reductions by 2035, New Zealand offers a paltry additional 1-5% from their 2030 goal.” 

‘The new target stretches the meaning of “progress” to a breaking point and fails to show the “maximum possible ambition” that our Government promised.’ 

‘We are at a critical point for the Pacific as global heating creeps closer to 1.5 degrees. Our Government should be standing with the communities most affected and leading global efforts to stop the climate crisis getting worse.’ 

Billionaire wealth surges by $2 trillion in 2024, three times faster than the year before, while the number of people living in poverty has barely changed since 1990.

Billionaire wealth surges by $2 trillion in 2024, three times faster than the year before, while the number of people living in poverty has barely changed since 1990 

  • Oxfam predicts there will be at least five trillionaires a decade from now. 
  • 204 new billionaires were minted in 2024, nearly four every week. 
  • Sixty percent of billionaire wealth is now derived from inheritance, monopoly power or crony connections, as Oxfam argues that “extreme billionaire wealth is largely unmerited.”  
  • Richest 1 percent in the Global North extracted $30 million an hour from the Global South in 2023. 
  • Oxfam urges governments to tax the richest to reduce inequality, end extreme wealth, and dismantle the new aristocracy. Former colonial powers must address past harms with reparations. 

Global billionaire wealth grew by $2 trillion in 2024 alone, equivalent to roughly $5.7 billion a day, at a rate three times faster than the year before. An average of nearly four new billionaires were minted every week. In Aotearoa New Zealand, billionaire wealth increased in 2024 by $5 billion NZD ($12 million NZD per day). 

Meanwhile, the number of people living in poverty has barely changed since 1990, according to World Bank data. It takes just 6 days for someone in the top 1% of New Zealand to make what the average person in the bottom 50% makes all year. 

In 2024, the number of billionaires rose to 2,769, up from 2,565 in 2023. Their combined wealth surged from $13 trillion to $15 trillion in just 12 months. This is the second largest annual increase in billionaire wealth since records began. The wealth of the world’s ten richest men grew on average by almost $100 million a day —even if they lost 99 percent of their wealth overnight, they would remain billionaires. 

Last year, Oxfam predicted the emergence of the first trillionaire within a decade. However, with billionaire wealth accelerating at a faster pace this projection has expanded dramatically —at current rates the world is now on track to see at least five trillionaires within that timeframe.  

This ever-growing concentration of wealth is enabled by a monopolistic concentration of power, with billionaires increasingly exerting influence over industries and public opinion.  

Oxfam publishes “Takers Not Makers” today as business elites gather in the Swiss resort town of Davos and billionaire Donald Trump, backed by the world’s richest man Elon Musk, is inaugurated as President of the United States.  

“The capture of our global economy by a privileged few has reached heights once considered unimaginable. The failure to stop billionaires is now spawning soon-to-be trillionaires. Not only has the rate of billionaire wealth accumulation accelerated —by three times— but so too has their power,” said Oxfam International Executive Director Amitabh Behar. 

“The crown jewel of this oligarchy is a billionaire president, backed and bought by the world’s richest man Elon Musk, running the world’s largest economy. We present this report as a stark wake up-call that ordinary people the world over are being crushed by the enormous wealth of a tiny few,” said Behar. 

The report also shines a light on how, contrary to popular perception, billionaire wealth is largely unearned —60 percent of billionaire wealth now comes from inheritance, monopoly power or crony connections. Unmerited wealth and colonialism —understood as not only a history of brutal wealth extraction but also a powerful force behind today’s extreme levels of inequality— stand as two major drivers of billionaire wealth accumulation. 

Oxfam Aotearoa’s Executive Director, Jason Myers said, “New Zealand is not immune from the grotesque global trend of billionaires getting richer while the number of people living in poverty remains stubbornly high. Here in Aotearoa, it takes just 6 days for someone in the top 1% to make what the average person in the bottom 50% makes all year.”  

Oxfam’s calculates that 36 percent of billionaire wealth is now inherited. Research by Forbes found that every billionaire under 30 has inherited their wealth, while UBS estimates that over 1,000 of today’s billionaires will pass on more than $5.2 trillion to their heirs over the next two to three decades.  

Many of the super-rich, particularly in Europe, owe part of their wealth to historical colonialism and the exploitation of poorer countries. For example, the fortune of billionaire Vincent Bolloré, who has put his sprawling media ‘empire’ at the service of France’s nationalist right, was built partly from colonial activities in Africa.  

This dynamic of wealth extraction persists today: vast sums of money still flow from the Global South to countries in the Global North and their richest citizens, in what Oxfam’s report describes as modern-day colonialism.    

  • The richest 1 percent in Global North countries like the US, UK and France extracted $30 million an hour from low- and middle-income countries in 2023. 
  • Global North countries control 69 percent of global wealth, 77 percent of billionaire wealth and are home to 68 percent of billionaires, despite making up just 21 percent of the global population. 
  • The average Belgian has about 180 times more voting power in the largest arm of the World Bank than the average Ethiopian. 

Low- and middle-income countries spend on average nearly half of their national budgets on debt repayments, often to rich creditors in New York and London. This far outstrips their combined investment in education and healthcare. Between 1970 and 2023, Global South governments paid $3.3 trillion in interest to Northern creditors. 

The history of empire, racism and exploitation has left a lasting legacy of inequality. Today, the average life expectancy of Africans is still more than 15 years shorter than that of Europeans. Research shows that wages in the Global South are 87 to 95 percent lower than wages in the Global North for work of equal skill. Despite contributing 90 percent of the labor that drives the global economy, workers in low- and middle-income countries receive only 21 percent of global income.  

Globally, women are more often found in the most vulnerable forms of informal employment, including domestic work, than their male counterparts. Migrant workers in rich countries earn, on average, about 13 percent less than nationals, with the wage gap rising to 21 percent for women migrants. 

“The ultra-rich like to tell us that getting rich takes skill, grit and hard work. But the truth is most wealth is taken, not made. So many of the so-called ‘self-made’ are actually heirs to vast fortunes, handed down through generations of unearned privilege. Untaxed billions of dollars in inheritance is an affront to fairness, perpetuating a new aristocracy where wealth and power stays locked in the hands of a few,” said Behar. 

“Meanwhile, the money desperately needed in every country to invest in teachers, buy medicines and create good jobs is being siphoned off to the bank accounts of the super-rich. This is not just bad for the economy —it’s bad for humanity.” 

Myers continued, “It doesn’t have to be this way, and a more equal future is entirely possible. Poverty is a policy choice, and our latest report is a clarion call directed to those in power who have the ability to make decisions that work for all instead of a few.” 

Oxfam is calling on governments to act rapidly to reduce inequality and end extreme wealth: 

  • Radically reduce inequality. Governments need to commit to ensuring that, both globally and at a national level, the incomes of the top 10 percent are no higher than the bottom 40 percent. According to World Bank data, reducing inequality could end poverty three times faster.  Governments must also tackle and end the racism, sexism and division that underpin ongoing economic exploitation.   
  • Tax the richest to end extreme wealth. Global tax policy should fall under a new UN tax convention, ensuring the richest people and corporations pay their fair share. Tax havens must be abolished. Oxfam’s analysis shows that half of the world’s billionaires live in countries with no inheritance tax for direct descendants. Inheritance needs to be taxed to dismantle the new aristocracy.   
  • End the flow of wealth from South to North. Cancel debts and end the dominance of rich countries and corporations over financial markets and trade rules. This means breaking up monopolies, democratizing patent rules, and regulating corporations to ensure they pay living wages and cap CEO pay. Restructure voting powers in the World Bank, IMF and UN Security Council to guarantee fair representation of Global South countries. Former colonial powers must also confront the lasting harm caused by their colonial rule, offer formal apologies, and provide reparations to affected communities. 




Notes to editors 

Download Oxfam’s report Takers not Makers and the methodology note. 

All figures are in USD unless specified. 

According to the World Bank, the actual number of people living on less than $6.85 a day has barely changed since 1990. 

Forbes data indicates that the largest annual increase in billionaire wealth ($5.8 trillion) occurred in 2021, during the COVID-19 pandemic. It was driven largely by governments injecting trillions of dollars into the economy.   

Oxfam calculates that 60 percent of billionaire wealth is either from crony or monopolistic sources or inherited. Specifically, 36 percent is inherited, 18 percent comes from monopoly power, and 6 percent is from crony connections.  

Research by Forbes found that, for the first time since 2009, every billionaire under 30 inherited their wealth —“a sign that the ‘great wealth transfer’ has begun.”  

According to UBS, more than 1,000 billionaires are expected to pass $5.2 trillion to their heirs over the next 20 to 30 years. 

Vincent Bolloré bought several former colonial companies in Africa, taking advantage of the wave of privatizations spurred by the structural adjustment programs imposed by the IMF and the World Bank in the 1990s. This strategy enabled Bolloré to build an extensive transport-logistics network in Africa, operating in 42 ports across the continent. .  

Amin Mohseni-Cheraghlou’s research shows that the average Belgian has about 180 times more voting power in the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), the largest arm of the World Bank, when compared to the average Ethiopian. 

On average, low- and middle-income countries are spending 48 percent of their national budgets on debt repayments 

In 2023, the average life expectancy in Africa is 63.8 years, compared to 79.1 years in Europe. 

Jason Hickel, Morena Hanbury Lemos and Felix Barbour found that “Southern wages are 87 percent to 95 percent lower than Northern wages for work of equal skill. While Southern workers contribute 90 percent of the labor that powers the world economy, they receive only 21 percent of global income.”  

According to the ILO, women in the informal economy are more often found in the most vulnerable situations, for instance as domestic workers, home-based workers or contributing family workers, than their male counterparts. 

ILO data also shows that migrant workers in high-income countries earn about 12.6 percent less than nationals, on average. The pay gap between men nationals and migrant women in high-income countries is estimated at 20.9 percent, which is much wider than the aggregate gender pay gap in high-income countries (16.2 percent). 

Oxfam welcomes Gaza ceasefire, urges permanent end to hostilities, accountability, an end to atrocities and lifting of blockade

With Israeli bombings halted, the urgent task of recovery and ensuring accountability begins for mourners enduring unimaginable loss. 

Oxfam welcomes the announcement of a ceasefire, with the initial agreement on the release of Israeli hostages and some of the Palestinian detainees, and the temporary ceasefire in the Gaza Strip after 15 months of a relentless war. The Israeli bombing campaign has killed at least 46,000 Palestinians, has left tens of thousands more missing, over 100,000 injured and 1.9 million Palestinians in Gaza, or 90% of the population, displaced. 

Sally Abi Khalil, Oxfam’s Regional Director in the Middle East and North Africa, said that this ceasefire must not only hold, but lead to a permanent end to the violence.   

“We are hopeful this deal will herald an end to the bloodshed. After more than a year of a brutal military assault and deliberate, systematic blocking of aid by Israeli authorities, this pause is long overdue. Two million Palestinians, who have survived this heinous war, are now fighting against time to survive.   

“As the first phase of the agreement unfolds, our most urgent call is for immediate and unhindered access to humanitarian aid and support, ensuring that vital resources and medical assistance can reach those in dire need. The opening of all crossings for aid deliveries is vital. Israel must allow the unhindered flow of aid and restore commercial activity to reach every corner of the besieged enclave to avert famine.  This is critical to alleviating the suffering of displaced Palestinians and enabling the treatment of those hungry, injured and sick.  

“Israel has waged terrible collective punishment upon Palestinians in Gaza including crimes against humanity – using food and water as weapons of war, forcibly displacing virtually the entire population, besieging North Gaza and rendering Gaza virtually unliveable. “Thousands of Palestinians have been unlawfully detained and tortured without due process. These actions must not go unanswered – international law and norms must be applied universally, including to Israel, who must be held to account for its war crimes, to ensure justice for victims and deter future violations”. 

Abi Khalil called on UN Member States and the international community to ensure the swift and full implementation of the ceasefire; to uphold commitments to end the blockade on Gaza and the occupation of the Palestinian Territory; to facilitate unrestricted humanitarian access to avert famine and to commit to supporting the rebuilding of Gaza immediately in an inclusive, equitable and sustainable manner centred on the needs and voices of Palestinians.   

“This has been a terrible period of senseless death and destruction. The international community, especially countries complicit in Israeli atrocities, must do everything in their power to ensure there is no return to violence. They must commit to supporting a fair and inclusive peace with justice for all, which lifts the blockade, ends the unlawful occupation, dismantles illegal settlements, and addresses the root causes of this protracted conflict.”  

Oxfam unequivocally condemns all violations of international law committed by Israel and Palestinian armed groups. As part of this temporary ceasefire deal, we reiterate our call for justice and accountability for all those affected. 

Richest 1% burn through their entire annual carbon limit in just 10 days

The richest 1 percent have burned through their share of the annual global carbon budget —the amount of CO2 that can be added to the atmosphere without pushing the world beyond 1.5°C of warming— within the first 10 days of 2025, reveals new Oxfam analysis.  

In stark contrast, it would take someone from the poorest half of the global population nearly three years (1022 days) to use up their share of the annual global carbon budget.  

This alarming milestone, dubbed “Pollutocrat Day” by Oxfam, underscores how climate breakdown is disproportionately driven by the super-rich, whose emissions far exceed those of ordinary people. The richest 1 percent are responsible for more than twice as much carbon pollution than the poorest half of humanity, with devastating consequences for vulnerable communities and efforts to tackle the climate emergency. To meet the 1.5°C goal, the richest 1 percent need to cut their emissions by 97 percent by 2030. 

“The future of our planet is hanging by a thread. The margin for action is razor-thin, yet the super-rich continue to squander humanity’s chances with their lavish lifestyles, polluting stock portfolios and pernicious political influence. This is theft —pure and simple― a tiny few robbing billions of people of their future to feed their insatiable greed,” said Oxfam International’s Climate Change Policy Lead, Nafkote Dabi. 

Oxfam’s research shows that the emissions of the richest 1 percent since 1990 have caused ―and will continue to cause― trillions of dollars in economic damage, extensive crop losses, and millions of excess deaths. 

  • The economic damage suffered by low- and lower-middle-income countries over the past 30 years is about three times greater than the total climate finance provided by rich countries to poorer ones. 

  • By 2050, the emissions of the richest 1 percent will cause crop losses that could have provided enough calories to feed at least 10 million people a year in Eastern and Southern Asia. 

  • Roughly eight in every 10 excess deaths due to heat will occur in low- and lower-middle-income countries. Around 40 percent of these deaths will occur in Southern Asia.  

“Governments need to stop pandering to the richest. Rich polluters must be made to pay for the havoc they’re wreaking on our planet. Tax them, curb their emissions, and ban their excessive indulgences —private jets, superyachts, and the like. Leaders who fail to act are effectively choosing complicity in a crisis that threatens the lives of billions,” said Dabi. 

Oxfam calls on governments to: 

  • Reduce the emissions of the richest. Governments must introduce permanent income and wealth taxes on the top 1 percent, ban or punitively tax carbon-intensive luxury consumptions —starting with private jets and superyachts— and regulate corporations and investors to drastically and fairly reduce their emissions. 

  • Make rich polluters pay. Climate finance needs are growing rapidly, especially in Global South countries bearing the brunt of climate impacts. While rich countries agreed to mobilise $300 billion a year to help Global South countries cope with warming temperatures and switch to renewable energy, this amount falls drastically short from the $5 trillion climate the Global North owes in climate debt and reparations.  


Notes to editors 

According to the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) Emissions Gap Report 2024, the median estimate of emissions level in 2030 consistent with limiting global heating to around 1.5°C is 24 GtCO2e (range: 20–26), which is equivalent to approximately 17.8 GtCO2 based on the 2019 share of CO2 emissions in greenhouse gas emissions (74.1 percent). According to the UN, the global population is projected to reach 8.5 billion in 2030. Dividing the 1.5°C compatible 2030 emissions level (17.8 GtCO2) equally by 8.5 billion gives an estimate of an annual carbon budget of 2.1t CO2 per person. 


Ton CO2 per capita per year 

Ton CO2 per capita per day 

Annual carbon budget, ton CO2 per capita 

Days to use up share of annual carbon budget 

Richest 1% 





Poorest 50% 





Oxfam’s research shows that the richest 1 percent  —comprising 77 million individuals, including billionaires, millionaires, and those earning over $140,000 per year in PPP terms— were responsible for 15.9 percent of global CO2 emissions in 2019. The bottom 50 percent (3.9 billion people with an average annual income of $2,000 in PPP terms) accounted for 7.7 percent of all CO2 emissions during the same year. Climate Equality: A Planet for the 99%draws on research by the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and assesses the consumption emissions of different income groups in 2019, the most recent year for which data are available. 

Between 2015 and 2030, the richest 1 percent are set to reduce their per capita consumption emissions by just 5 percent, compared with the 97 percent cuts needed to align with the global per capita level compatible with the 1.5°C goal of the Paris Agreement.  

The first-of-its-kind study, Oxfam’s “Carbon Inequality Kills,” tracks the emissions from private jets, yachts and polluting investments and details how the super-rich are fueling inequality, hunger and death across the world. 

Fifty of the world’s richest billionaires on average produce more carbon through their investments, private jets and yachts in just over an hour and a half than the average person does in their entire lifetime. 

Contact information 

Rachel Schaevitz | [email protected] 

Africa to receive just 10% of doses needed to control mpox outbreak by end of year

African countries are set to receive just one tenth of the vaccines they need to control the mpox outbreak by the end of 2024, analysis from the People’s Medicines Alliance has found, while rich countries hold nearly all of global supplies. As the outbreak spreads across Africa, high prices are keeping vaccines and tests out of reach for the people most at risk. 

Africa needs approximately 10 million vaccine doses to control the outbreak, according to the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, but only around 1 million have been delivered. An estimated 210 million vials of vaccine have been produced to date, but more than 99 per cent are thought to be sat in rich country stockpiles.  

The cost of the key mpox vaccine called MVA-BN, produced by Bavarian Nordic, has raised serious concerns about accessibility. UNICEF recently negotiated a price of up to $65 per dose from Bavarian Nordic, which is almost 2.5 times more expensive than most other vaccines in its portfolio.  

Vaccines made with similar technology can be produced for just $5 per dose by developing country manufacturers.  

Global health advocates are calling for the immediate redistribution of stockpiled vaccines to regions in urgent need, to spark ambition in the global response.  

Mohga Kamal-Yanni, Policy co-lead for the People’s Medicines Alliance, said: “The mpox crisis is in Africa but the stockpiled doses are miles away in rich countries. So far, prices have been far too expensive and will quickly exhaust the funds of international agencies like Gavi. More are expected, especially for children, but with less than a week left of the year, only a fraction of the vaccines promised to Africa have arrived.” 

In November, the World Health Organization (WHO) approved the LC16 vaccine, produced by Japanese company KM Biologics, as the only vaccine authorised for children. This is particularly important given that children under the age of 5 continue to be the main group dying from mpox. Although Japan announced a donation of 3 million doses with their specific syringes, the first supplies are only now starting to arrive in the DRC, while discussions are still ongoing about supplying other African countries affected by the crisis. 

Amidst vaccine scarcity and high prices, several countries and health authorities are being forced to pursue conservative vaccination plans that do not measure up to what is actually needed. With bolder commitments by rich countries to provide more vaccines, African countries could undertake more ambitious mpox strategies and responses.   

The majority of mpox cases and deaths are occurring in the DRC. However, countries are being hampered in detecting and confirming infections because they are lacking the means to adequately diagnose them. Producers are charging around $20 per individual mpox test — this is nearly equivalent to the DRC’s total annual healthcare budget per person. 

Dr Samuel Mangala, Oxfam Field Coordinator in Equator province, said: “The situation here in the DRC is unfathomable. Every day, we are seeing children die. In my area, we have not yet seen a vaccine.  

“We can only ask why are vaccines being hoarded elsewhere when the virus is here, killing people here, killing children here?” 

Advocates argue that the price of these tests should be cut to $5 which would still allow the company to profit. Diagnostics should also be made far more accessible. The DRC’s capacity to diagnose cases is so restricted that only 20 mpox cases have actually been confirmed by laboratory tests.  

Peter Maybarduk, Access to Medicines Director at Public Citizen, said: “Once again, people’s health is put at risk by pharmaceutical companies with power to decide who gets what product, when and at what price. 

“If we make vaccines affordable and widely available, countries will be able to pursue more aggressive strategies to stamp out pandemic threats. Health agencies will be able to plan with ambition. Protecting public health requires stopping outbreaks at their source and putting health before profit.”  

Currently, governments are negotiating a Pandemic Agreement with the WHO to ensure effective preparedness, prevention and response to future health crises. However, high-income countries are opposing legally binding measures that are the basis for equity, including equitable product sharing, technology transfer, fair sharing of benefits arising from sharing pathogens and removing IP barriers. This has thrown negotiations into deadlock. 

Without such measures, the mpox outbreak may become yet another example of avoidable tragedy in global health. 


Notes to editors  

According to WHO, as of 6 November 2024, 899,000 vaccine doses have been allocated for nine African countries. This is the latest official information on the allocation of mpox vaccine doses. 

According to Africa CDC, the Japanese company KM Biologics has started to deliver the first of the 3 million pledged LC16 vaccine doses to the DRC. 

The company is still negotiating liability issues with other African countries. Based on official and media reports, the People’s Medicines Alliance estimated that so far the number of doses delivered in Africa is around 1 million, which is 10 per cent of what Africa CDC says was needed by 2025 to handle the outbreak. 

At Bavarian Nordic’s Annual General Meeting earlier this year, the company said it had produced 10 million doses in the last 2 years (AGM minutes, p.3). KM Biologics has released no recent information, but a 2022 WHO document disclosed that the company had produced approximately 200 million doses. For this analysis, the People’s Medicines Alliance has estimated that these figures together comprise the current total supply of mpox vaccines suitable for use in Africa (210 million). 

At $65 per dose, Bavarian Nordic’s mpox vaccine, Jynneos (MVA-BN), is the second-most expensive vaccine that UNICEF distributes, according to the Public Citizen findings. After Jynneos, all other UNICEF vaccines are priced under $27, with the lowest price listed at 18 cents for tetanus and diphtheria shots. In October 2024, twelve health advocacy organizations sent a letter to Bavarian Nordic CEO Paul Chaplin urging the company to increase UNICEF’s supply from one million to four million doses under its current deal, without additional charge, cutting the effective price to $16.25 per dose. The organizations also urged Bavarian Nordic to lower the price of Jynneos for all low- and middle-income countries and to release its vaccine technology to local manufacturers to support sustainable access. After months of enquiry by advocates and news outlets, Bavarian Nordic has still not explained its pricing practices. 

In November 2024, dozens of health groups called for lowering the price of the mpox diagnostic test from $20 to $5 per test for supply to African countries including the DRC, the epicenter of the mpox emergency. The groups argue that the DRC, one of the world’s poorest nations, spends just $22 per person on health care annually — nearly the same cost as a single $20 test. Estimated production costs suggest each test could be sold at a profit for $5. Producers have not so far lowered test prices or published the results of an audit of test costs. 

At a media briefing hosted by Africa’s Centres for Disease Control and Prevention on 5 December 2024, Dr Jean Kaseya, Africa CDC Director-General confirmed that testing remains a challenge in the DRC, with only 20 per cent of cases confirmed by laboratories. 




Just twelve aid trucks of food and water into the North Gaza Governorate in 2.5 months 

Barefoot children forced to search through rubbish for food scraps across Gaza  

Of the meagre 34 trucks of food and water given permission to enter the North Gaza Governorate over the last 2.5 months, deliberate delays and systematic obstructions by the Israeli military meant that just twelve managed to distribute aid to starving Palestinian civilians. For three of these, once the food and water had been delivered to the school where people were sheltering, it was then cleared and shelled within hours.  

Oxfam and other international humanitarian agencies have been continually prevented from delivering lifesaving aid in the North Gaza Governorate since 6 October when Israel escalated its military siege of Jabalia, Beit Lahia and Beit Hanoun, bar an extremely limited amount of stock already stored there.  

Thousands of people are estimated to still be cut off, but with humanitarian access blocked it’s impossible to know exact numbers. At the beginning of December, humanitarian organisations operating in Gaza were receiving calls from vulnerable people trapped in homes and shelters that had completely run out of food and water. 

From 6 October, Israel has permitted just 34 UN trucks of food and water to enter the North Gaza Governorate. A convoy of 11 trucks last month was initially held up at the holding point by the Israeli military at Jabalia, where some food was taken by starving civilians. After the green light to proceed to the destination was received, the trucks were then stopped further on at a military checkpoint. Soldiers forced the drivers to offload the aid in a militarised zone, which desperate civilians had no access to.

The following week, Israel permitted 14 more trucks. Due to the delay in receiving the final authorisation from the Israeli authorities, only three trucks were able to enter. They carried ready-to-eat rations, wheat flour and water and reached the intended destination of Mahdia al-Shawa school in Beit Hanoun where displaced families were sheltering. While the aid was distributed, within hours soldiers and quadcopters fired on the school and people were ordered to leave. The next day the Israeli military returned and shelled the school, burning down the buildings. 

On 20 December, Israel finally permitted a further 9 UN trucks to deliver food and water to an aid distribution point in Beit Hanoun, where civilians sheltering in schools were able to collect it. People said that they were barely surviving and had so little to eat, they were eating leaves. 

Last month the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) warned that there is a strong likelihood that famine is already occurring in the north and the risk of famine persists across the whole of Gaza. People are being pushed to unimaginable, desperate measures to survive. Children and women are searching through piles of rubbish for food scraps, bare-handed and often barefoot, risking disease and injury from sharp metal and exposed to the threat of unexploded bombs. Gaza now has the highest number of child amputees in the world with the healthcare system decimated and little critical supplies, including anaesthetic. 

Sally Abi-Khalil, Oxfam’s Middle East and North Africa Director said: 

“The situation in Gaza is apocalyptic and people are trapped, unable to find any kind of safety. The absolute desperation of having no food or shelter for your family in the biting cold of winter. It is abhorrent that despite international law being so publicly violated by Israel and starvation being used relentlessly as a weapon of war, world leaders continue to do nothing.  

“Gaza has been widely destroyed and the entire population is suffering. The public sector has collapsed and the humanitarian system is on its knees. We plead with the entire international community – stop this, now. You have the diplomatic and economic levers to make Israel stop. Every day that passes without a ceasefire is a death sentence for hundreds more civilians.” 

Constant shelling also continues in the north – the Palestinian Civil Defence (PCD) estimates that more than 2,700 people have been killed in the North Gaza governorate since the siege. The bodies of half of those killed have not been able to be recovered and more than 10,000 have been injured. 

Around 130,000 people have now been forcibly displaced from the North Gaza Governorate, 70 per cent – 91,000 – are women and girls, who are trying to survive in abandoned buildings and overcrowded shelters in Gaza City. The mass displacement of people has further strained resources and complicated aid delivery in already dire conditions. 

Across Gaza, aid deliveries continue to be blocked, deliberately hampered and targeted by Israel’s military. All crossings are barely functional, with only Erez West (Zikim) operating with any consistency. Oxfam staff said this week that humanitarian access everywhere is at an all-time low. Winter weather conditions are expected to affect more than 1.6 million people living in makeshift shelters, including half a million in flood-prone areas. The UN reported that so far, only 23 per cent of displaced people across the Gaza Strip have received support to help protect them from the rain and cold, leaving over 900,000 people at risk of exposure.  

People have told Oxfam about trying to survive with their families amidst crippling hunger. A man who was forced to evacuate with his family from Al-Maghazi refugee camp in the centre of Gaza with little notice last week said “Adults tell the kids not to play so they don’t get dizzy. One pack of biscuits is all we have for 15 grandchildren. We need shelter but a simple plastic tarpaulin costs $180 and we would need at least five to make a basic tent. There’s no chance of light or power. We’re doing everything we can, but it’s not enough.” 

Soaring food prices and scarcity across Gaza mean that people are no longer able to buy food by the kilogram, for example buying a single tomato or green pepper for their family. An Oxfam staff member described how the entire family searched Deir al-Balah for one egg to try and provide calcium for a relative with a broken bone. The egg cost nearly $6. Only five bakeries out of nineteen are operational, and many people are risking their lives in overcrowded queues, sometimes waiting from as early as 3 am just to secure basic supplies. 

Oxfam is demanding an immediate, unconditional, and permanent ceasefire and the release of all hostages and unlawfully detained Palestinians. The obstruction of humanitarian aid efforts must end, with protection of civilians and unhindered access for all lifesaving aid to the Gaza Strip, including the North Gaza Governorate. Palestinians must be given the freedom to move home, rebuild, and live in peace and dignity, free of occupation or blockade. 

Notes to editors

  • Please note that the original version of this story stated that just three UN trucks had managed to distribute food and water within the North Gaza Governorate, which was correct when the release went out on 19th December, under embargo for 23rd December. On 21st December, Oxfam was informed that an additional nine UN trucks of food and water were allowed in on Friday 20th December. None were planned for Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd. Even though 12 trucks of food and water in 2.5 months is still wholly inadequate, for accuracy, we have amended the headline and included this detail within the release.  
  • The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) confirmed that since 6 October to 16 December 2024 (most up-to-date figures available), the UN and partners have tried to coordinate 137 missions to the North Gaza Governorate. More than 90 per cent – 124 – were denied outright. Two were approved; the UN World Food Programme (WFP) convoy of 11 trucks carrying food and water on 7 November and the WFP convoy of 14 trucks – of which only three were able to enter – on 11 November. The other 11, all medical evacuation/assessment missions at Kamal Adwan Hospital, were approved but one could not reach the hospital due to military activity and the rest all faced impediments along the way.  
  • The Mahdia al-Shawa school was shelled by the Israeli military on 12 November 
  • The OCHA flash update on 10 December confirmed there were still 65-75,000 people still in the North Gaza Governorate. This number is thought to be significantly lower now, but due to access restrictions, no accurate estimates are available 
  • Protection Cluster report on 2 December detailed how vulnerable people were calling protection charities operating in Gaza and women and children are being forced to increasingly resort to searching piles of rubbish barefoot and without gloves for food scraps 
  • International Humanitarian Law (IHL) prohibits the use of starvation as a method of warfare. As the occupying power in Gaza, Israel is bound by IHL to provide for the needs and protection of the population of Gaza. In 2018, the UN Security Council adopted resolution 2417, which unanimously condemned the use of starvation against civilians as a method of warfare and declared any denial of humanitarian access a violation of international law.