The Future is Equal

Archives for September 8, 2011

Out of the bunker: Time for a fair deal on shipping emissions

International shipping is a major – and rapidly growing – source of greenhouse gas emissions. Agreement to apply a carbon price to shipping can both reduce emissions and raise funds for climate change adaptation and mitigation in developing countries. Two challenges loom especially large after the UN Climate Change Conference in Cancun, Mexico. First, governments must close the gap between the cuts to greenhouse gas emissions pledged so far and those needed to avoid catastrophic climate change. Second, rich country governments must mobilize the money needed to fill the Green Climate Fund (GCF) established in Cancun. Our well-being depends on the urgency with which these twin challenges are confronted. In 2011 a deal to control rising emissions from international shipping could help tackle both.

NZ should support Barroso push for financial transaction tax

This week’s Pacific Islands Forum has attracted a bevy of diplomatic heavyweights, including European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso. The EC president’s visit to New Zealand and the Pacific Forum meetings includes garnering support for a tax on financial transactions.New Zealand should support the move instead of continuing to neglect the tidal wave of speculation by the financial industry, which played a major role in causing the global economic crisis.

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Proposal can break deadlock on shipping emissions

A report published today by Oxfam and WWF shows how a proposed deal to apply a carbon price to international shipping can tackle the huge and growing greenhouse gas emissions from ships, and raise billions of dollars to help developing countries tackle climate change, without unfairly hitting developing countries. The deal offers a solution to the deadlock on shipping emissions that has lasted more than a decade.

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