The Future is Equal

Archives for April 1, 2010

Tackling Poverty Through Trade: How New Zealanders buying Fairtrade benefits producers in developing

While the market for Fairtrade in New Zealand is still relatively small it has experienced very healthy and sustained growth since its beginnings in 2004. Initially nine companies were involved in selling Fairtrade coffee and tea. Retail sales reached NZ$261,050 in 2004 and in 2008 the New Zealand Fairtrade market growth in was 69 per cent. By 2009, the number of New Zealand companies licensed to sell Fairtrade products increased to 51 and their combined retail sales topped NZ$17.5 million. This growth in Fairtrade retail sales is great news for small-scale farmers and workers in developing countries. Increased Fairtrade sales means that more trade is taking place under Fairtrade conditions and that more farmers and workers are receiving the economic, social and environmental benefits of Fairtrade. This report has been produced by Fairtrade Labelling Australia & New Zealand (FLANZ) and Oxfam New Zealand. Analysis has covered the period of New Zealand Fairtrade purchases and sales from 1 January 2004 to 31 December 2009.